Drumagog Error

Pete The Elite

Pete The Elite
Mar 3, 2008
Wrexham UK
So i was going to finish off mixing a friends 3 track E.P the other night and when i opened drumagog in cubase i got an error message saying

"Error Saving Favorites File- C:/Program Files/Drumagog40/favourites.dat"

Once ive clicked through the error messages drumagog appears but doesn't upload the samples and you just hear silence.

Ive no idea why this has started to do this, ive un-installed and re-installed it several times with no luck, even tried a system restore no joy there, i feel like im running out of options tbh would be greatful if anybody could help me out!
Uh just throwing out a basic idea.. first try to locate the .dat file then check if its read only and you indeed have the permissions to edit the file.
second you could try to delete the file (might be a good idea to back it up first somewhere) and launch dramagog again.
had the same trouble when I installed it on my windows 7 computer. basically it was windows not allowing drumagog to do what it wants. check your security settings I reduced mine to nothing and everything went through perfectly fine.

hope that helps if not, sorry for fucking with your security settings.
In case anyone comes across this or you guys are still trying to figure this issue out:

I just installed Pro Tools M-Powered 8 and had the exact same issue and couldn't for the life of me figure it out. Searched it and came across this thread, along with many others with the same problem, getting no answers. This is obviously an issue with Windows not permitting the user to do yet another task. I'm currently running Windows Vista. So when you open your DAW, just run it as administrator. Simple enough.
I was having this error in windows 7.

I found that installing drumagog and then running Pro Tools 8 as administrator the first time after its installed stopped this error.

Its never come back since.