Drummer for Thin Lizzy tunes?


Metal from the Heartland
Jun 28, 2007
Topeka, KS
I know most around here are guitarists, but it's the only forum that I participate in where the members are actually talented and knowledgeable, so I thought I would start here.

I'm looking for a drummer that would want to be a part of a Thin Lizzy tribute cd. I'm involved in several projects currently, and we want to knock out a free giveaway for some marketing/PR work before the other projects are released, but our drummer is maxxed out and doesn't have time to do this. It would be 8 or 9 songs and you'd get full credit, as well as being able to do whatever you want with the tunes yourself.

If anyone wants to or knows of a good drummer that would enjoy it PM me and I'll send you the song list.

I know that many of you are kick-ass programmers too, so if you want to give that a shot I'm open to that as well.

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