Drummer Matt Suiter on DrumNova.com


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Recently at the Agent Steel Show, Bernie Versailles (Agent Steel, Redemption - for those that don't know this guy already!) hooked Matt up with some Drum Nova Strobes at the show.

Seriously, I'd never even heard of this product before, and to be honest, it's a very, VERY cool idea! They are very accurate and really add a new element to the "live" show when it comes to lighting effect. You have to see it to belive it!

You can learn more about the Durm Nova strobes as well as view a video of Matt playing with these strobes on his kick drums at www.DrumNova.com

A HUGE thanks to Bernie for hooking us up with such a cool gadget!!! what a guy!!! I think we're going to have to dress Matt's whole kit up with this stuff eventually!

on a nother note...one funny part concerning the the video - there is a part in the begning where Matt is kicking one kick drum and geting the crowd amped up - this is when Curtis' guitar amp took a huge shit, and you get to watch Matt keep thing going as iffthere isn't even a problem on stage! What a Pro!!!

Here's Bernie sticking his hands inside matt kicks, going up and down the drum riser while were getting ready to go on, and running chords all over the place, and I'm yelling, "Bernie... what the hell are you doing to our drum kit!!!" ...what a pleasent suprise it was!
Cool video!!

I remember once my old band ORACLE was contracted to use our lights & PA for a multi-band show. I was over the lights and used the keypad to "play" the lights to the band's songs...it was a LOT of fun & made the stage look CRAZY during double-kick parts...