Dude, if you can really play that stuff, make a recording. I don't care about the quality, lets just hear you play. Hell, record it with a computer mic direct to your computer and in sound recorder for all I care. Shut me up. I'm sure it sounds fantastic. And for your information, I play a B.C. Rich guitar, so I don't have a bias to you for that.
You said theory, it's your problem for not specifying what you meant earlier, it sounded like you didn't know a thing what so ever when you said you don't know any theory. I mean, if you know theory, wouldn't you know what goes with theory, such as techniques, and rhythms? And please, let me know what this guitar theory is, all I know is music theory.
I never mentioned anything about guitar players. But, if you really would like to bring that up, I find Malmsteen way overrated. But Paul Gilbert is quite incredible, they both don't suck for sure, and sure, there are better guitar players out there. There always is, I bet there are better players than Rusty Cooley and Mike Romeo. Same goes for Shawn Lane and Mike Angelo. I really doubt you know what you're talking about, especially after that remark about how Paul Gilbert tuned his guitar to make arps easier to play, thus sucking according to you. He tuned it that way to make wide intervals playable that would otherwise not be. You didn't notice that it served a purpose and that it was pretty visionary.
If you ask me, from what I've learned myself, you probably haven't listened to yourself enough. You might think you're fingers are fast and can play Malmsteen, but give yourself a really close and honest listen, I bet you have plenty of extra string noise, sloppy technique and go out of time very frequently. I say this because I was arrogant like you before I started listening to my playing years back. Indeed, I would say I could play Malmsteen when I was playing for a little over 2 years (closer to 3). But after giving myself a closer listen, I realized that my technique was sloppy, and I had trouble with time. I then went and practiced with a metronome and recorded myself playing to hear myself better. Give yourself a closer listen, record youself, I bet you'll realize what I'm saying too.
So c'mon, make a recording and stop everyone from running their mouths. lets hear you play some Malmsteen, and lets hear your huge ability on the drums.