Drummers? To be or not to be?

I do think that is a good idea. Black Metal or Death Metal drummers would most assuredly be able to keep up with the band's ultra-hyper speed. Only problem is finding someone who wouldn't mind playing Power Metal. I know there has to be someone out there willing to do it. Good luck looking guys, I know you'll find someone to rule the drummer's throne.:rock:
yep, let us hope they will find a drummer
...asgeir michelson could be a good alternative :)
he is a norwegian black metal drummer. he is definetly one of the best drummers in scandinavia.
why can't you guys ask didier (the dragonforce drummer) to do a guest appearence or something on the next album..? or maybe you could ask pete hunt who played on the valley of the damned demo
this is just some suggestions...:)

NP: helloween - future world :rock:
We've got a German guy lined up...we're just trying to sort out a good time to get him over to audition.

Yeah Pete Hunt is an awesome drummer.....much more precise than Didier(who started out as a death metal drummer).

WW...who's this Norwegian guy then....I assume he's in a band?
Originally posted by Symphony
We've got a German guy lined up...we're just trying to sort out a good time to get him over to audition.

Yeah Pete Hunt is an awesome drummer.....much more precise than Didier(who started out ad a death metal drummer).

WW...who's this Norwegian guy then....I assume he's in a band?

he is the drummer in borknagar, the norwegian melodic black metal band...maybe you've heard of em..
he also appears on drums on the "enslavement of beauty" debut, and the new vintersorg album "visions from the spiral generator"....he has done alot of guest apperances.
and he is also a part of scream magazine.
Most guys in black metal bands are probably closet power metal fans anyway! I mean, pick any random dude from any random band and you'll probably find was either was or still is immensely into Iron Maiden!
I like it all pretty much: Power Metal (My fave) Black Metal, Doom Metal, Gothic Metal, and Thrash Metal a long as it's melodic and is well played. The only type of Metal I don't get into is Nu-Metal:( (Horrid) Rap Metal (Or Crap Metal) hehehe and Alternitive Metal. Alternitive to what? Good music?
That's all I have to say on the subject. :)