Drums, Drums, and more Drums... oh and some other stuff


Dec 18, 2006
So this is from a drum tracking session, everything else is scratch... and it's an upright bass... I realize the floor tom and kick create a little clipping on the right side at the start, I've since cleaned that up... Overall though, comments, suggestions, everything is needed.

This is off the mics, no samples or anything...

http://ryanojohn.com/mp3/Last%20Rose Sample.mp3

this is with the new overdubbed guitar tracks:
http://ryanojohn.com/mp3/Allegiance Sample 2.mp3

and through the api comp:
http://ryanojohn.com/mp3/Trial Sample 2.mp3
Kick In-D6
Kick Out-Subkick
Snare Top D-SM57
Snare Top C-C451E
Snare Bottom-SM57
Toms Top-MD421
Toms Bottom-E604
Room Mid-TLM49
Room Side-R121


Distressor on the Kick
Transient Designer on the Toms and the Mid mic

a few stock PT plugins... I THINK that's all...lol
Short video clip here too if you SO desire lol...


Yea I'm sorry for my poor labeling... I almost just posted the gearlist as Ki-D6, Ko-Subkick, Sntd-57, Sntc-451E, etc...then I realized I had no idea if anyone would have any idea what I was talking about lol
I haven't cleaned up any of the tracks yet, that's the next step... cutting out the silence and all... I'll check the left guitar, and clean that up too. Thanks man!

The subkick was a legit one... but it was actually really low in the mix, in all honesty I think they're good for kick, but not for metal kicks...lol I think they muddy things up pretty fast. My buddy has a homemade one that I actually like more than the real one... It might be the fact that it's not in a tight enclosure so there's more free movement of the speaker diaphragm... maybe
I've actually been thinking about making one... definitely isnt that hard... I just have to figure a couple things out... also, the size/type of speaker makes all the difference...

but yeah... I think they work great for metal kicks... I hate when kicks are all click and no Oomph.
With new overdubbed guitar tracks:

http://ryanojohn.com/mp3/Allegiance Sample 2.mp3

mesa dual rec on the left
marshall superlead on the right
double tracked on each side.
dual 57's on each cab.

Maybe cause I just woke up but to me it sounds like there are tuning discrepancies between the two guitars. Maybe its one guy down picking his brains out at this part and driving a couple notes sharp at the attack.... just what I'm hearing. Ton of mics on that kit man. I would have a ball with all of those as I'm sure you did!!! :headbang:
I've actually been thinking about making one... definitely isnt that hard... I just have to figure a couple things out... also, the size/type of speaker makes all the difference...

I've heard that using car speakers works best, due mostly to their density... usually they're a pretty heavy cone, and rather rigid... haven't tried it myself yet though
I think you should trigger the toms with some samples that are pitched lower. Those toms sound a bit goofy to me in the context of the mix. Other than that, it sounds pretty darn good.
Rob, you're right on the tuning issue, the fella had a guitar with frets that were so deep that he could put notes out of tune by just pressing harder...

Gumplunger, I so far had evaded using samples, and was hoping to stick to the real sounds rather than any sampling, but I do agree the toms are tuned pretty high considering the genre... I could try pitch-shifting the tracks and see how that turns out...
Gumplunger, I so far had evaded using samples, and was hoping to stick to the real sounds rather than any sampling, but I do agree the toms are tuned pretty high considering the genre... I could try pitch-shifting the tracks and see how that turns out...
Yeah it sounds like you guys did a pretty good job getting a full drum sound without samples aside from the toms. You might want to give those chimaira tom samples that andy posted a try in the mix and see how they work. I doubt anyone would notice that they're sampled, even if everything else in the kit sounds pretty natural.