BloodySwan said:
Oh, I never really thout that I was meant... it was just a statement of mine. Nevermind, but... fighting really necessary in this case?
In my opinion it's not important what's right or not or how it can be spelled or not and if it is a mistake or has something to do with ignorant children/people ...
But my question is still unanswered... does katatonia stand for this Ilness or does it not?
If that's question too stupid for you, you may beat me up
I wanna know that *cry*
that is a good question actually......and the spelling has become more interesting as well......whether or not they did it because of the root word for catatonia or just to spell it different.....this is what I could find.....
cat·a·to·ni·a Audio pronunciation of "catatonia" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kt-tn-)
An abnormal condition variously characterized by stupor, stereotypy, mania, and either rigidity or extreme flexibility of the limbs. It is most often associated with schizophrenia.
[New Latin, from German Katatonie, from Greek katatonos, stretching tight, from katateinein, to stretch tight : kata-, intensive pref.; see cata- + teinein, to stretch; see ten- in Indo-European Roots.]
Main Entry: 2catatonic
Function: noun
: a catatonic individual
Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Main Entry: 1cata·ton·ic
Pronunciation: "kat-&-'tän-ik
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, being, or affected by schizophrenia characterized especially by a marked psychomotor disturbance that may involve stupor or mutism, negativism, rigidity, purposeless excitement, and inappropriate or bizarre posturing cata·ton·i·cal·ly /-i-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
adj : characterized by catatonia especially either rigidity or extreme laxness of limbs
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
<jargon> A description of a system that gives no indication
that it is still working. This might be because it has
crashed without being able to give any error message or
because it is busy but not designed to give any feedback.
Compare buzz.
[Jargon File]
Source: The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2005 Denis Howe
adj. Describes a condition of suspended animation in
which something is so wedged or hung that it makes no response.
If you are typing on a terminal and suddenly the computer doesn't
even echo the letters back to the screen as you type, let alone do
what you're asking it to do, then the computer is suffering from
catatonia (possibly because it has crashed). "There I was in the
middle of a winning game of nethack and it went catatonic on me!
Aaargh!" Compare buzz.
Source: Jargon File 4.2.0
catatonic: in CancerWEB's On-line Medical Dictionary
Source: On-line Medical Dictionary, © 1997-98 Academic Medical Publishing & CancerWEB
here is a german site about Katatonie...hopefully the link is translated for you....
not much effort was involved in this.....I will investigate more about the root of the word and post it later....