
Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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We finally got our DSL running today. I'm crossing my fingers that it will stay up and I'll be able to cancel AOL. I just downloaded a 9MB file in about 3 1/2 mins. That beats the hell out of the hour I'm used too. I haven't tried to upload anything yet but I hope it's fast.

I dunno what kind of dsl connection you have..but I have a 640/90 connection. Downloading is fast. Uploading takes a bit of patience...but still better than dial-up. You'll love it.
I'm actually not sure what my download/upload speed is supposed to be. I uploaded Women to myplay and it took about 4 minutes. I'm happy with that compared to what it was before, but I'm already trying to find out what my actual connection speed so I can see what we're getting for our money. :)
I'm enjoying this right now though compared to my 56k modem!