DT guitar sound


Nov 25, 2004

I just been listening to the remix (track three) on the EP...

Wow I want that guitar sound...Please somebody tell me how...


The lives of small children depend on it.
"Somethings, i just dont want you to see" Is what comes to mind. I am of the believe that certain mysteries should not be revealed and is part of what makes a band great.

DT's sound to me is one of them, i dont question it and i wouldnt want it for myself since i could never have the same ideas ( we're all different, as persons, and that always reflects in our music ).
Rofocale said:

I just been listening to the remix (track three) on the EP...

Wow I want that guitar sound...Please somebody tell me how...


The lives of small children depend on it.
Could be that they're still using their rack mounted pre-amps: Rocktron chameleon, Rocktron Prophesy preamp, and Rocktron Velocity.
Yeah... those can get pricey.
Sorry. The Profit mention was an obscure tv show quote.

I love DT and I'm more concrened with getting a decent guitar sound than emulating them. The problem is that good heavy sound is almost impossible to get without first knowing what your doing. I don't have the cash to experiment and although I don't want to rip off a band I have so much respect for I'd like to have a starting point that I can then personalise.

Individuality is a crucial aspect of music. I will not dispute that. However I wish to apporximate a heavy guitar sound and although I have been playing for years and enjoy playing in the 'DT' style. I have little knowledge of setting up a rig.

Everybody has to start somewhere. Why not start at the top?

By the way. Many children died to bring you this information.
Rofocale said:
STEP ONE: Down tune to B



DT does not downtune to B. The early albums (up to the Gallery) were all in E flat. The mind's Eye and Projector are in C#. The band went back to E flat for Haven (probably because of the line up changes). The band went back to C# with Damage Done and Character. However, the band had something new in their tunings.......

The song "the endless feed" is in Drop B and it really works well for that song and should be used again on future recordings.

as far as the DT guitar sound, i dont really know what amps they use, but both Nicklas and Martin use Gibson Les Pauls, Explorers and SG's. Pickups are stock from what i know.
DT have a great guitar sound. A lot is achieved by tuning down your guitar to the aforementioned C#. I did that to my SG400 (Epiphone, not Gibson ;) ). Don't forget that the thick and searing sound is also largely created in the studio. Don't get me wrong: DT sound great live. And this is certainly due to their (expensive) equipment. But from what I understood you're after the sound on the albums. I bet there's a lot of processing going on.
Agree. Thanks chaps.

Personally I would love to be able just to achieve a 'heavy' sound like theirs. One thing I can always say for DT is that their production is exceptional. I wish that the band would talk a little more about the sounds and equipment they use on certain albums.

Presently I'm finding myself a little lost trying to approximate a good melodic death metal sound for the band Im in. Everything sounds sooo very thin. Presently I'm tuned to D was thinking of C#.

I'd also like to reproduce a decent tone on a budget considering it's this that's standing between me and actually being able to play the stuff that's been written.
Hi guys!

Firefest was absolutely right about the tunings, it's C# except for The Endless Feed...
Somber Soul on the other hand is way wrong... :loco: We use V-amps live, cost about 150 € ! Stopped using my Rocktron Prophesy (1800 €) after Damage Done touring because it fucked up all the time :erk: And Niklas' Chameleon just simply died.

Anyway, for Character we used a mix of Peavey 5150 and Mesa Boogie Rectifier, not dubbed this time around (as opposed to Haven and Damage Done). Played mainly with a Gibson Les Paul studio with Seymour Duncan Screamin Deamon pickup.

Oh yeah, and Pro-Tools :headbang:
