DT Live in Japan DVD


Oct 16, 2002
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My son brought home the DT Live in Japan DVD yesterday and we watched it. Although we missed the first 15 minutes because the DVD was screwed up, I was amazed by the quality. We had to take it back and now wait a couple weeks for another copy. Anybody have this? It's great, lots of closeup hand shots on solos. I want a Symphony X live DVD with quality like this one. I think they had a musician do the filming, he/she ?? knew just what to do.
I really didn't like the album, but the DVD was incredible! The quality, and the awesome stuff the put into their set just rocks my world. I have to borrow that off my friend that has it, I've only seen about half of it.
Snowmaker said:
You mean the Live at Budakon one?

Are they selling the corrected version in stores yet, or do you still need to request the disk in the mail?

Yes, that's the one ...Budakan in Tokyo. The store is ordering a new copy, sending the screwed up one back. But we have to wait a couple of weeks, which really sucks.

LaBrie is actually getting better at staying on (or near !) key on the high notes.

Watched Shaman Ritual Live DVD last night. This is a very good one too, but you really have to be into Andre's voice to enjoy it. (I'm a great fan). As grating as his voice can be at times, he has total control, and is always right on. I admire him.
great dvd. I really like the extra angles of the instrumedley as well, being a Myung fan, so I just watch him for the whole song mostly. The whole thing has so many features and material it is an amazing deal.

The video work has also matured. I'd have to say that as a director Portnoy did a very nice job with this one. It just seems very natural overall
I'm very thankful to hear that Portnoy didn't use this DVD as another opportunity to try all the effects in Avid. If I wasn't so far in debt, I'd probably buy it right now. The CD set will last me long enough, though.
I actually found LaBrie's tone a little bit shit at times.... he hits most of the notes spot on, but at times he doesn't enunciate the words very clearly, and his tone sometimes sounds terrible in the upper register. Just my opinion though, feel free to disagree!
The DVD's quality is excellent, and the sound is amazing (except for LaBrie's voice, but that has nothing to do with the recording of the DVD).

Don't get me wrong, I like James' voice, just not on this DVD.
LaBrie's voice is what keeps me from liking a good amount of DT. I dont care if he hits the notes or not, i find his voice irritating on almost every song other than a few from Train of Thoughts.
TheMountainKing said:
I actually found LaBrie's tone a little bit shit at times.... he hits most of the notes spot on, but at times he doesn't enunciate the words very clearly, and his tone sometimes sounds terrible in the upper register. Just my opinion though, feel free to disagree!

He does get a nasal tone when he's in his upper range live. There's a few icky spots on Trial of Tears on the DVD that I remember. But...you've gotta remember that he's singing difficult stuff for 3 hour shows under hot lights for months on end. I can't say I'd do any better under the same conditions. :p
I don't get why so many people dislike LaBrie's voice. Even those who don't necessarily have a problem with it just seem to think it's tolerable. I, for one, think he's one of the best singers out there. I've always found his tone to be, for the most part, exceptionally clean. There are times when he gets a little nasal or hoarse on live performances but, as mentioned above, it's a heck of a long show and tough material.

Then again, perhaps I'm just insane: I love Geddy Lee's voice as well.
The only time I've had a problem with James' voice has been during live shows. A few shows I went to, he was having a difficult time staying in key the times I saw him. To me, that means he's not practicing enough to do the job, and didn't really care enough to do so. It seems that he's been constantly improving ever since Scenes from a Memory. 6DOIT, he was spot on the whole show.

I think he had a couple of "moments" during the Budokan DVD, but overall, he did fantastically.
Labrie ruins is for me on the DVD, he cant sing live. Period. He just cant. Its just... ugh, not masculine at all how he sings on that DVD. The crowd had little energy, and although those guys on the left with the suits were majorly badass (moreso than anyone in DT sans Petrucci and Ruddess), they didnt do much. The quality of the DVD is amazing, and im sure we can all agree that Ruddess' solo was THE HIGHLIGHT of the DVD, maybe the LTE runs in the instrumedley, but Ruddess is GOD! His solo stuff is just amazing as well.
i don't know, i love the audiences in japan. they just seem to have a genuine respect for the music they're listening too and the performers they're watching, that they don't feel the need to go crazy. have you watched any japanese hardcore wrestling matches (with cactus jack and terry funk)? the audiences are the same. i think it's cool.