DT Live in Japan DVD

i hate how LaBrie thinks he can scream instead of sing live. whats the deal with that fish on the side of rudess's keyboard? i havent watched that DVD in a while cuz i've been so busy, but i'll prolly pop it on sometime. hey speaking of popping stuff, eat a tube of M&M mini's, then u can pop the top open with ur thumb, and it makes this cool loud noise. the MegaTubes are tuned to an F. ...i guess im not busy enough... :err:
Labrie's voice is something that is all on it's own. It's something that not everyone can like, but those that like it really like it, and the ones that don't don't (of course there are exceptions).

I for one do like it. It took me a while, first hearing him sing change of seasons on the cd then on LSFNY, and the times it was airy and whiny just made me not want to listen to him. But over a few years I guess I can accept his voice more, and I must say that he does have quite good technique (being a trained opera singer and all), for instance he is very good at balancing the air on both sides of his vocal chords (which gives the most resonance, but I guess you might have to take lessons to appriciate that). Also his sound just sort of seems to fit dream theater. I've always thought of them more as prog rock instead of metal, until TOT, and his voice sort of conveys that genre better. And I would also like to see any one of you sing every note for three hours completely on pitch and in tune, that would be a feat few professionals could accomplish.
I think most professionals would choose to sing within a range where they don't need to strain themselves. I hear opera folks that do it all the time, singing stuff as complex, if not more complex, than DT. James isn't singing for 3 hours straight, anyhow. He gets plenty of rest with all the instrumental stuff happening.

I think he's working hard to improve himself. I don't think he could have pulled Budokan off 5 or 6 years ago.
I wish i lived in japan, then I could see all the metal bands i want, but no... instead im stuck in San Antonio Tx where the only bands that come here are black/death metal bands i guess what im trying to say is.................FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SAN ANTONIO NEEDS PROG OR POWER METAL TO COME DOWN HERE, OR AT LEAST SOMEWHERE IN TX,IM TALKIN TO YOU DT AND SX AND BG AND SPOCKS BEARD AND PAGANS MIND AND EVERYBODY ELSE........... ARRRHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
weenur said:
I think most professionals would choose to sing within a range where they don't need to strain themselves. I hear opera folks that do it all the time, singing stuff as complex, if not more complex, than DT. James isn't singing for 3 hours straight, anyhow. He gets plenty of rest with all the instrumental stuff happening.

I think he's working hard to improve himself. I don't think he could have pulled Budokan off 5 or 6 years ago.

Agreed, and I think they need to write more stuff for him that is like train of thought, more within his natural range, I mean listen to his singing on the dvd, most of the best singing comes from the later stuff too I think. His age too might be a factor, I doubt his high range is going to improve from now on. Has anyone heard some of his mullmuzzler stuff, or Areyon (if that's how it's spelt) "the human equation"? that stuff is much more within his range..... and much of it, especially the human equation stuff still kicks ass.

I think it's silly to say "but look at how difficult the music is" or "look at how long he sings"..... if the stuff was in his working range, he would have no problems at all, and his great qualities would be more apparent. I also think Dream Theater would then be more well accepted by most music nazis.
TheMountainKing said:
Agreed, and I think they need to write more stuff for him that is like train of thought, more within his natural range, I mean listen to his singing on the dvd, most of the best singing comes from the later stuff too I think. His age too might be a factor, I doubt his high range is going to improve from now on. Has anyone heard some of his mullmuzzler stuff, or Areyon (if that's how it's spelt) "the human equation"? that stuff is much more within his range..... and much of it, especially the human equation stuff still kicks ass.

I think it's silly to say "but look at how difficult the music is" or "look at how long he sings"..... if the stuff was in his working range, he would have no problems at all, and his great qualities would be more apparent. I also think Dream Theater would then be more well accepted by most music nazis.

I agree. He attempts to sing out of his range. He can pull it off in the studio (probably after numerous takes), but fumbles and loses it live. It's a shame, because the band is so damn good, and he has a fine stage presence.
I don't think age has anything to do with it though, if a voice is worked well. I hear vocal ranges improving with age....Russ for instance. His voice is getting stronger at higher ranges. "SHE SAAAAAAIIIIID...."
I am looking forward to his solo CD !!!!!!!
I completely agree with the thread starter in that Symphony X need a Live DVD like a crack head needs a hit.

On the Budokan side, I am a DT fan, despite despising LaBrie's vocals, and I thought the DVD was great. I still prefer Live Scenes becuase they played my fav album, but both are good.

On a side note, here are other bands who NEED to release live dvds:

Tool (I know it's comin, but I want it NOW!)
Screaming Headless Torsos
The Mars Volta
Zero 7
Live At The Budokan is an amazing piece of work. Everything about it is top notch. Its presented great, sounds great (except for the 5.1 problems that the original releases were having), looks great, and its Dream Theater playing for three hours. Plus all the boys were on fire....now only if John Myung would start running, jumping around on stage, and headbanging again. Man its weird watching him on the Live In Tokyo video!
Pharoah said:
I agree. He attempts to sing out of his range. He can pull it off in the studio (probably after numerous takes), but fumbles and loses it live. It's a shame, because the band is so damn good, and he has a fine stage presence.
I don't think age has anything to do with it though, if a voice is worked well. I hear vocal ranges improving with age....Russ for instance. His voice is getting stronger at higher ranges. "SHE SAAAAAAIIIIID...."
I am looking forward to his solo CD !!!!!!!

I also think that the type of voice does have something to do with it. Russell's voice is naturally much more resiliant, so he can proabably push himself and not screw himself up as much (labrie couldnt sing agressively like russell can on a lot of the oddysey). I meant more for the type of voice labrie has added to the fact of the accident that happened to him after the awake tour, plus the fact that since then he has been straining himself means that I cant see his high range improving as he gets older.

Russes solo cd will be awesome. I hope his cd with Jorn will kick ass too!
I liked the old James. Take a listen to The Mirror on Awake and see what I mean.

Edit: I like the new one, too. The Mirror still kicks total ass, though. I love the aggressive "It's not as HARD AS IT SEEEMS!" part. Total awesomeness.
frozen_core said:
have you watched any japanese hardcore wrestling matches (with cactus jack and terry funk)? the audiences are the same. i think it's cool.
Funnily enough, Japanese crowds tend to go ballistic for the more serious sort of native pro-wrestling... I heard that's not the topic to be discussed here, though.
frozen_core said:
i don't know, i love the audiences in japan. they just seem to have a genuine respect for the music they're listening too and the performers they're watching, that they don't feel the need to go crazy. have you watched any japanese hardcore wrestling matches (with cactus jack and terry funk)? the audiences are the same. i think it's cool.

True, true. Even in the pay-per-views of Pride FC(a mixed martial arts league in Japan, much like USA's Utimate Fighting Championship, with key differences), the fans have a genuine respect for the fighters, their styles, and how they perform.

If every fan in every concert were that respectful, thatd be euphoric.
Pharoah said:
Yes, that's the one ...Budakan in Tokyo. The store is ordering a new copy, sending the screwed up one back. But we have to wait a couple of weeks, which really sucks.

LaBrie is actually getting better at staying on (or near !) key on the high notes.

Watched Shaman Ritual Live DVD last night. This is a very good one too, but you really have to be into Andre's voice to enjoy it. (I'm a great fan). As grating as his voice can be at times, he has total control, and is always right on. I admire him.

Then you'll still have to write to Rhino to have them send you the DVD with the corrected 5.1 audio track.