Okay, where are the rest of those pictures of Mikael from Saturday-night? There should be dozens of them around, why is no-one posting them?
I would guess people are currently blackmailing Mikael with them ("These pictures are going to be posted everywhere, unless you start selling DT-boxers - oh, and send me three pairs right away, or I'll show these pics to your mom!"). Such bad people they are.
About the setlist, a few short comments here:
The Sun Fired Blanks was a slightly surprising opener (even more so as they played The Wonders at Your Feet later in the set anyway - I kind of thought they wouldn't play TWaYF at all, if not opening with it), but a very good one at that. It grabbed the whole audience (well, at least
me) immediately and set the pace for the whole show - fast, trashy songs with a few mellow parts here and there for the extra flavor, perfect material for such an outdoor-concert in the middle of the day. Sadly though, that meant no Hedon or Lethe would have fit in too well with the other songs or the general atmosphere of the show. Well, perhaps next time we'll see them indoors somewhere...
Of the 13 songs played, nearly half (ie. 6) were from their latest album. And even though I like Damage Done very much, that was still a bit too much. The Treason Wall was performed very well, but still I think it should have been replaced by some older song. Also, Hours Passed in Exile should have replaced Monochromatic Stains, IMHO, although I believe the latter is liked by too many people to leave it out from their set for some time. White Noise / Black Silence, Single Part of Two, Damage Done and Final Resistance deserved their place in the set well, I believe.
Once again, the highlight of the DT-show for me was the very Punish My Heaven. I really don't have the words to describe how I felt when I heard the first chords, or when Mikael sang the last words ("I'll go") with his tearful voice.

Of only two songs from Haven album, they surprisingly played both of my favorites, TWaYF and the title-track. And they played them both very well. Thus, I shouldn't probably complain, but I still feel like having either Not Built to Last or Rundown somewhere in the set would have been a good choice.
ThereIn was a bit unnecessary for me, but as so many people seem to like it, and as the band played it very well, I won't complain. The same goes to Zodijackyl Light, although I must once again stress how much more I like that song live than on record - the difference in emotional impact is huge! Anyways, the infamous "sudden stop" has become a bit old and I for one was expecting the audience to be better prepared to it - apparently they hadn't watched Live Damage carefully enough :Smug:. Poor Mikael trying to hush the confused audience silent was rather funny, though.
I really can't say much about One Thought after hearing it only once (and in such an emotionally charged situation even) - except that it sounds very promising. The semi-industrial parts that "broke" the song truly hit me. I can't wait until January the get the new album.
All in all, a great show, and the second best experience of the whole weekend, with only the meeting with the band at Saturday-night surpassing it (and possibly the "My Hole, Your Hole" game we played there...
