Dual rectifier head & cab - sm57 - Behemoth cover - ESP with Dimarzio D Activators

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

I know I'm still trying to make a name for myself on this forum, but I'd appreciate it a lot if you could please give me some pointers on this tone. It's the first miced up tone I've ever posted on her (all the others have been impulse tones I think) and I have to say, I am liking it a lot (compared to my other miced stuff).

This was inspired by Marcus? (I think it is) with his 'At the Left Hand Ov God' snippet, as well as other people in the 'equipment' section wanting to hear recordings of Dimarzio D Activators (I think Ola was one but I can't remember the others). It's in my ESP Horizon NT, which I haven't played for a long time because I needed to get a new nut for it, but I JUST got it back, and honestly, this recording is the first time I've ever played it through the amp. I love this guitar! even though I am for the most part a 7 stringer man.

Anyway guys here it is...

I figure other questions about the recording will be answered in the thread. :)

MASSIVE EDIT: I forgot to add guys, this is through my MARSHALL cab and NOT my recto cab.
Thanks man. The mid control is turned up quite high on the amp so I might lower it for future recordings.

Anyone else?
Hey dude, definitely too much mids and a bit thin sounding; also, sounds like you were pretty far from the dustcap, but I've never mic'ed a T75, so I can't be certain on that. Also, the snare is incredible spastic-sounding; did you play it yourself with a keyboard or something? :lol: Good playing though, but I'm missing those pinch harmonics at the end of some of the phrases!

And it is indeed Marcus :)
The drums were just the MIDI of a guitar pro file extracted into EZdrummer to give some sort of backing. :lol: Even though my EZdrummer mixes always sound horrible, they do sound better with drums I've programmed myself.

I had the sm57 basically right on where the paper and the center meet, at a 45 degree angle so it was 'flush' with the paper. The cap is the center bit right? I'm not too familiar with the names of the different parts of speakers! :lol:

I have the house to myself again today so I might re-do it, and chuck the pinch harmonics in (if I can remember where they go). Thanks for the input man.
No prob. dude, and the cap is the "center" in that it's that big hump in the center of the speaker, yeah (I'm assuming 75's have a pretty big cap compared to the V30 "nipple" :D) And I think your problem is the 45 degree angle; I've always found it's best to have the mic pretty close to straight on, and just slide it outwards from the center (without angling it too much)
No worries.

Well watch this space because later today I'm going to record the same song again, with the mic not angled, and taking a lot of the mids out of the tone, and I'll probably mix the tone more and put some bass in there to make it sound bigger. I might even get my TSL100 head out and record the same thing through the same cabinet for a comparison. :)

This was quad-tracked for the record.

Btw, I thought I had my speaker lingo figured out properly. :D
Hey, we can always learn something new! :D And I must say, I fear the approach of the TSL, but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised! :loco:
I haven't got very much experience at all with micing it up, but everyone I've ever seen in person say "man those things aren't too great" always end up being put in their place by my tones. ;)

Man I'm an idiot! But seriously...I can get some pretty good sounds out of my TSL, and of course I boost it with an MXR overdrive like I do with my recto.