Miced tones and Behemoth riffs - 3ch Dual Recto, 6505+, Stiletto cab, Marshall cab

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
I just did these today and would really appreciate some feedback on the tones.

I'm sorry the playing isn't that tight because I did it relatively quickly and I had my guitar sitting a little lower than what I normally do, which I think made the chunky pakm mutes come out a little scratchy. When I get a re-amp box I'll be able to get down some tighter takes first and then re-amp instead of have to play the same thing AT LEAST 8 seperate times and worry about getting it right. :lol:

I used an sm57 for all of the clips, sitting on axis only slightly off centre, and about 2cm back from the grill cloth (first time I've miced up a tone without the microphone being directly on the cloth).

I think the tones from the Stiletto cabinet are a lot better than the ones from the Marshall cabinet - I seem to have a lot of trouble getting good miced tones from my Marshall cab. I adjusted the EQ slightly on the amps when I was finished with the Stiletto cab and started with the Marshall, but I didn't spend a great deal of time on it.

All guitar tones have some C4 on them and a HP/LP at 80hz/12khz. The drums are merely there for context, and I also apologise for not having the volumes of the tones (as well as in comparison to the drums) consistent, but again as I said, I did it rather quickly.

Here we go.

The tones sound great to me. I agree that the Stiletto cab sounds a lot
better than the Marshall cab for this type of tone. I have found the same
thing when comparing my Marshall and Mesa cabs.
The recto+stiletto sounds best to me but the 6505+stiletto is very nice as well.
I do have one small question about the tone though, it sounds to me that the
tone from the mics would have been killer and the C4 smears it a little and
subtracts some beauty from the tone. It could be just my taste though because
I dont like to do any processing on the guitars ( except HP/LP ) if possible.
I like the Marshall cab tones better.

It sounds so much more real to me.

I dunno, I'm not a guitarist though so take it with a grain of salt.
Thanks for the input guys! :)

I'm not sure how I might be able to get more high end out of the recto tones without boosting up the treble too much? The sound in the room seemed fairly trebly, whereas the clips sound a bit more smooth and scooped and maybe lacking some high end. I should maybe try to be a little more aggressive with the presence and treble knobs - the presence knob is almost something to be feared on channel 3 of a dual recto. :lol:
Yeh I think I get a little uneasy about high end like I said before.

I just got another sm57 so I might be able to experiment with some Fredman micing pretty soon, and juice up the treble a fair bit and be able to get more body with the offaxis mic.

Anyone else care to listen?
For some reason I'm digging the Marshall cab clips the best.

The marshall seems to have more breath and "oomf" (for lack of better terminology :lol:)

The mesa does sound huge and aggressive, but just sounds too boxy for me in these clips

Although I noticed that on the palm muted chugging parts, the recto cab and Mesa Rectifier handled them much better.
6505/Stiletto over here; also liking the Recto/Marshall cab if you fixed the hollow midrange a tad and the weird upper midrange freq it's got; I like the character to it tho.

Recto/Stiletto has this super grainy top end that just sounds like fartiness to me, like only hte top end is breaking up.

TBH, I heavily doubt any of these tones really need the C4 though, especially with no bass in the mix to compare it to.
yeah really like them all too, although they are a little too muddy for a mix, i think. esp. on behemoth stuff where you have to carve out holes for the whole orchestral stuff...
Thanks guys.

I need some advice...obviously the tones sound a little dark/muffled. I can't experiment with micing on the amp right now so I'll ask some questions.

If I bump up the treble/presence a lot more, would the harshness contribute to it all sounding more scooped, even if there is some more high end in there helping it cut through? If I raise the mids on the recto much more, things begin to sound stuffy, but I guess I can always try bump it up a little more.

In general, would moving the mic closer to the cloth provide a bit more of a direct sound? As I said before, this is the first time I've pulled them back and I like the extra body I get, but I need something sounding a bit more direct with a bit more attack (obviously).

Like I said, I know these are things I could try myself, but I can't for a few days, and it'd be good to know the answers to these in a 'general rule of thumb' sort of way, rather than just with these specific tones.
One last bump hopefully trying to get some answers to my questions, and then I'll work on re-doing it with some Fredman micing and other improvements. :)