Something different from me - miced up clips! Please come and give me some pointers

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

I have had a lot of spare time lately and I've been at my friend's house playing music together and recording solos for our demo album. We took the time to mic up some short clips.

It was the first time I'd ever miced my 6505+ head, and the first time I'd ever miced his amp (2ch Dual Recto) or his cab for that matter (custom Mesa with MC90 black Shadows).

We didn't experiment with positions or different tones that much or anything, because we just wanted to get something done for the sake of it, and we are concentrating more on the solos we are doing, but I promise in a few weeks I'll put a lot of effort into some clips and we'll see what sort of tones we can punch out. :) From now until then, any pointers you can give would be very helpful.

All tracks were miced with an sm57, as close to the transition between the dust cap and cone as I could get them with the weird mic stand (might be a little more towards the cone), all panned 100% L, 80% L, 80% R, 100% R.

Recto empire sample.mp3
6505+ empire sample.mp3
Recto L 6505+ R L 6505 R empire sample.mp3

Thanks for your time. :)
Well first off, it seems like all the guitar parts need to be shifted back like 25 ms, very distracting! That said, either the Recto or blend is my favorite, though in the blend, the Recto track needs to come up a bit to be even IMO. But yeah, take a look at that sync'ing issue dude, sounds like you might've been recording with some wicked latency or something!
Yeh I think there was some latency, but also the Recto clips are played by my friend and I played the 6505 clips and our playing wasn't as consistent as we wanted it to be, but like I said, instead of sitting down and working out these little issues we just did it and wanted to see what came out.

I have the tones a little louder than need be to try to focus on it more than a 'tonetest' than a 'mixtest' but I guess having bass and drums in there is a bit distracting! :lol:

Thanks for the comments man. :)
Yo dude!

I think the recto clip sounds the best!

What are you using for drums now? :lol: kind of funny since you asked me a while ago what I was doing, but I'm loving your drums