Help me out with this mix - in particular bass tone - Nile/Behemoth/Nevermore feel

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

I posted this song a while ago but nobody commented, but it was a really rough recording of it with some line6 stuff and it didn't sound too good. Maybe mentioning Behemoth in the thread title will get me more listens! :lol: (God I love that band - as if it isn't obvious in my compositions) I've done it again using my Recto with some impulses to get a bit of a better sound, and added bass to it to thicken it up.

I'm still interested in comments on the composition as well, but I'm mainly trying to achieve a bass tone that helps the whole mix sound much bigger, and I'm not sure I'm going about it too well.

I'm using Recabinet impulses - the 2 tracks panned 80% L+R are the 1960 6L6 D6, and the ones panned 100% L+R are 1960 e906 cap grill I THINK! :loco: I think this is one of the better mixes I've come up with yet, and it seems there isn't as much of that horrible digitally sound in the palm mutes that I've gotten a lot before.

Keep in mind, when the gallopy part sort of turns into a chord progression-riffy idea, there will be solos there, and I'm not quite sure how to end the song yet. BSNS RECTO.mp3

What do I have to do to get comments? This is the second time I've posted this song and not received a single comment. :(

I know the people here who get plenty of comments are the ones who have worked hard and become really good and achieved a nice following, but I can't accomplish this without anyone at all taking the time to comment.
Problem is you're not using SoloC or anything that other people can steal settings for. :(

Bass is kinda boomy, not helped by the guitars on the palm mutes (try a multiband). I'm not liking the drums. Slate? The snare in particular sounds really muffled (cut some mids and boost the highs like 6k+), overall sound rather programmed.

I like the songwriting though, and its a decent mix, I'm just pointing out the flaws.
Problem is you're not using SoloC or anything that other people can steal settings for. :(

So true :mad:

I think that snare is too loud/muffled as Morgoe said before.
Bass needs more high end and compression, it's way too boomy.
The kick could use some more balls/mids!
I'm loving the cymbals though

I like it, but has some flaws that need to be corrected!!
try monitoring through various differnet speakers/headphones, those drums are waaaaay too loud for the guitars. on the mechanical sounding fills try varying the velocities on each hit. and scrap that snare sample bro, it's not workin for ya. need something that fits the kick more, like the other dudes said scoop the mids out of it. those guitars are lacking a bit of presence as well.
Problem is you're not using SoloC or anything that other people can steal settings for. :(

Tell that to Lasse ;) (then again, he is Lasse :D)

Anyway, sounds pretty cool Dylan - guitars are good, almost there, though there's still something missing IMO, they feel a bit distant, and could be more upfront (more presence comes to mind, a boost around 4k would help, though of course I always prefer to nail it at the source, either with amp settings or mic position). Ooh man, but that bass is WAY too muddy IMO, yikes - a low shelf cut would really help, or just a somewhat wide notch at around 100-200 Hz. Kick is cool, though a bit too Nick Barker/Hellhammer for this kinda music IMO. Ah, and here's this riff again :headbang: Keep it up dude, you've improved already so much! :)
Cool riffs, drums do sound very programmed though. To be honest, I cant really say much about the bass cos the speakers Im listening on are shithouse and dont have any low end
You need more low mids in the bass, and i recommend you to send more mids into the amp, rather then raising them after the amp.
Thanks for the help guys! :D

I will probably record the guitars with a better tone today, and do the bass again and post an update and see how it sounds. :)
Ok guys. BSNS RECTO mix 2.mp3

I changed the impulses for the guitars to make everything a bit more balanced, rather than sound so grindy. I also added a bit of a high shelf to the guitars around 5k with about a 2 or 3db boost, so they sound a bit more present.

I also cut out a lot of the low end of the bass, I think changed the impulse, and lowered it in the mix.

Finally, I added some high end to the snare, changed the velocities slightly, and added some more thump to the kick.

It is still along way from where I want to be but I think it sounds much better than the previous clip. I still don't know how to end the song though. :(
song has some Divine Heresy vibe, but that's for programmed drums.
Their drummer blasts so fucking fast that his stuff sounds that programmed))