I need some advice on this death metal guitar tone - recto and recabinet

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

I have been messing with tones and mixes lately, trying to find something that will sound good for my bands album when we decide to start working on it.

This tone is 2 tracks of (duplicated to 4 tracks) of recabinet 1960 sm57 impulses. 2 tracks (left and right) 1 inch from the cap and 2 tracks (left and right) 1 inch from the edge of cap and cone.

The bass tone is with B.I.G and getting that to sound good is a whole other story. :lol:

The mix sounds pretty messy and I'm not sure if that's a good thing. The guitar tone seems to cut pretty well but I've been listening to it so much at the moment, I can't really tell if it sounds good or not.

Drums are metal foundry with Nir Z snare - I got the preset off here somewhere (maybe little john or something?) but haven't really messed with it too much yet. The beats themselves are very simple at the moment and there for context.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1044020/Sky recto test.mp3

Thoughts? Advice?

Thanks. :)

UPDATES down below. :)
Guitar tone could definitely do with a bit more core mids. Try some boosts around 800-1200Hz.
Fortunately it's not excessively scooped though
copying guitar tracks just makes them louder...

I would bring the guitars up a little more... as of now, they sound kinda scooped to me. Based on that, I would say, ad more mids to the tone.

Yeh I know.

I have 2 tracks that are the same performance, but different impulses on each one so it is effectively like double micing.

thanks for the feedback guys. It doesn't sound good to me but I need help figuring out why.
I put some more in there but it kind of made it sound a little dry/harsh. Not sure if this is a bad thing, again...I am not sure where to go with the whole mix and I'm not sure the guitar tone works with the mix.
Hey Dylan, the guitar tone is cool, but seems a bit phasey and indistinct; maybe focus on just one impulse? I must admit, I do dig that T75 tone in this context; that snare is really annoying though :lol: Have you messed with the envelope controls in S2.0? I'd definitely recommend it :D I have it set up as such:


Just right-click on the snare, and click/drag the second black square as far down and right as it'll go, then click the little blue box in the upper-right corner, should help! (unless you already have of course :D)
I'm uploading a new version of this with a different master and more mids in the tone.

I will mess with the drums some more later. The snare is annoying me too, but I'm concentrating on the guitar tone at the moment.

This time it is 4 different impulses...one side is 57 1 inch from cap and 1 inch from edge, the other side is the same positions but an i5.

This is by no means going to end up a final mix or anything...I'm just trying to coax some good sounds out of what I have for when i record the album. :)

New version...
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1044020/Sky recto test 2.mp3