need some guitar tone advice

It sounds really, really weak. Whatever you're using, consider changing/tweaking the hell out of it.
that'S what i am thinking also.
on the one hand it sounds weak and kind aundergained,
on the other hand it sound like there is too much distortion, i don't get it.

i dialed in a tone that sounded really good to me then recorded it and
now it sound slike shit, i think i fucked up something, damn it!

strange thing is, this is the second time i recorded this track, the first time
exactly the same thing happened, had a good tome while recording, after teh recording it dounded like shit.

could be the fact that i turn the audio events into new audio clips ,
at least that's the only editing i did so far
but why should this change the sound?


PS: the posted file is already eq'ed but i waill have another try :)
I wouldn't say it sounds weak, perhaps a bit muddy on the low freqs. Try to dial some of them out.

Don't worry, it definitely doesn't sound like shit, just need some tweaking.

What did you use to record this? Maybe the problem is in the source.
i recorded it using my axe fx and the 5150 model :)
just listened to the raw and the eq'ed files, the raw file doesn't sound that bad
i will try to eq it again and upload a new file soon.

thanks a lot man! :)

sanre is a combo of slate and LSD samples.

LSD Rarefaction A Snare
LSD Rarefaction B Snare
LSD DeathCrack

Snare 12A NRG

sounds way better. what i do recommend is giving the rhythm guitars more "balls" to give it that nice metalcore sound. maybe eq? loving it though :)
thanks a lot! :kickass:

dunno if adding more balls will make it too dark, i was just baout to cut some bass
as the mix seems to be very bass strong, dunno, ears are fucked so i'll have to wait! :D
