Symphonic Black Metal... Need some advice


Mar 16, 2009
Escondido, Ca
Hey everyone, :rock:

Brand new here and i am quite excited to have found this forum! For years now i have been looking for a place where metal musicians come together to talk about recording metal. So i think i have found my new home! So i thought i would start my introduction with my latest production. A song with the temporary title of "Pagan Wheel".

I play the guitars on my heavily modded Stratocaster, my effects chain is:
Strat -> BBE Green Screamer -> PreTube -> Boss NS-1 Noise Supressor -> J-Station Multipedal -> SPDIF to Soundcard. In the Rythm guitar Bus in Sonar i use BBE Sonic Maximizer.
3 guitars, one panned 100% right, other left and one center channel guitar.

For the drums i use Drumkit From Hell

The orchestration is done through EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Silver.

I use Ozone 4 as a mastering suite on the master channel in Sonar. This mix isnt compressed up to 0.5db yet, i have a version that is but i was not happy with the way it sounded

The song starts off with some doom metal, just to confuse people.. haha:

Just thought i would see what advice you guys could give. I am not very happy with the mix, i think its too muddy, i am finding it incredibly difficult to bring out the rythm guitars without over powering them in the mix.
Welcome home dude! :D

It sounds frickin good, but I think there is a problem with distortion on the guitars(well DUH!). You can hear it when you're chugging in the opening segment.
I really like the organ in the song though, makes it sound more dracula-ish!

Overall yeah it's a pretty muddy mix and it sound like there is to much happening, to much guitars, orchestra. Maybe try to eq the guitars and orchestra a bit different so they don't work in the same frequency range.
Thanks for the comments guys,

Ive tried using Recabinet instead of my J-Stations built in Amp modeling which is outdated. So that has cleared up the tone, i'll have to post a new revision once i find a better mix. Just got into Impulses so i'll need to figure out how to get a better sound out of it.
interesting music, but its atmosphere is not dark as I would expect from BM. I like one spot that is kind of Burzumish. If you want to see what can be done in terms of dark atmorpheric orchestrations I would suggest to check Kroda or Nokturnal Mortum.