Epic Death MEtal - dual Recto - Recabinet - AD - please comment!

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

This is actually the first full song I've posted on here (besides that behemoth cover tone-test).

I recorded the guitars a long time ago and haven't got the ability to record DI tracks and re-amp yet, so I got these tones down after I learned a lot more from this forum, but having said that, I think this mix is head and shoulders above others that I've posted on here, especially with the addition of Addictive Drums to my arsenal (I was getting SO sick of EZdrummer)

I'm more interested in whether or not you like the song itself, but this is a rate my tone section, so anything you can tell me to maybe make anything better, I am definitely open to. I'm working on a mix for the songs on my 'demo album'..

I figure more questions will get answered in the thread itself, and there is one really boring chord progression part where a solo needs to go, but that's my friends spot and not mine.

https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1044020/Final Hour - Addictive drums.mp3

UPDATE: https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1044020/Final Hour - Addictive drums 2.mp3

EDIT AGAIN: Guys! I'm glad you're digging this first song, and now I've uploaded a second song for you to enjoy. If you've already posted in this thread but are lurking and don't want to say anything else, please listen to this one too. I don't want to make another thread just yet. :)
https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1044020/tribulatio AD test.mp3

This is my first time using dropbox so if it doesn't work, please tell me and I'll try to fix it or use soundclick.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, I had always heard the kicks in AD were too rumbly, and man does this ever confirm it! Seriously, there's like an omnipresent thunder under everything from the kicks that's just overpowering. Also, the impulse sounds like it was made incredibly far from the dustcap, very cloudy/muffled sounding; try one of these! ;) Vox aren't bad, and the music is pretty heavy and cool, keep it up dude!
Thanks man.

to be honest, I just loaded up an AD preset I got off a friend and didn't even bother tinkering with it in any way yet. I have now gotten over the initial excitement that I had when I first loaded in AD instead of EZdrummer and said to myself (wow these drums don't sound weak and thin), so now I will be able to pull it back a little and make it less boomy.

I downloaded your impulses in your other thread but haven't had a chance to try them yet. I've been trying to get the best sounds I can with recabinet because I paid for it. :lol:

Having said that, the tone I used on my amp wasn't the greatest when I did this (a fair while ago) and I've found it sounds best with recabinet stuff, but with other tones I've done (with 8505 or other experiments) I've found impulses made by you guys on here sound better!

thanks for the kind words. I'm still going to work on it heaps, and I'm glad you enjoy the music. It's one of my favourite songs I've written.

EDIT: In recabinet I also accidentally was in the Genz Benz cab instead of the Ghandi one, and I was using EL34 i5 and 57 on the 'edge grill', but I changed it now to Ghandi with 6l6 i5 and 57 on 'cap grill'. It sounds much better, and I also took some more boom out of the kick. I'll update the link when I tweak more and my net stops sucking immensely, and when I get more comments for more tweak ideas of course. :)
Ok guys, I haven't got anymore comments, so I decided to just upload the new update, an hopefully more people will listen. I can't get better if more people don't comment. :(
https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1044020/Final Hour - Addictive drums 2.mp3

I changed the impulse and cut some of the low end of the kick, as I stated in the second post.

Please tell me what you think! Even if you say "the mix is mediocre but you know that, but the song definitely kicks ass! :D"

Song: I like the song, very solid metal tune.
Vocals: Cool. I like voice. The vox could be mixed louder for my taste and more compressed, because they sometimes get buried in the mix and sometimes stand out (again, compress!). The low growls are way too quiet.
Drums: The snare is too loud in comparison to the rest of the drums. The programming is cool and genre-typical, though.
Bass: Hmmm... There's bass but I don't hear it playing...
Guitars (mix#2): OK, I am no Recto-fan but these are too scooped. And try using more resonant cab impulses. Compare your guitars to those of Dark Tranquillity, Machine Head or The Haunted and you'll see. If you like them this way, keep 'em.
Guitars (mix#1): Hmmm... more resonant, but too boxy and boomy.

Good work!
Felix - Thanks heaps man! :)

Alex - I used to hate Rectos, but I tried mine in a shop a while ago and just fell in love with it. I am SO happy with this amp. :)

RiF - Thanks heaps man. I am no good at mixing vocals at all, and I find if I compress things I have trouble having them not clip very much. It's something I have to practice more and get better at.
This was my first time using addictive drums so I think it sounds fairly good. I'll lower the snare a little though. :)
There is bass there, but again, same with vocals, I suck at making good bass patches that fit well in a mix, and I end up having to take a lot of the bass out because it makes things boom and clip in a really bad way.
I am surprised you thought the guitars were too scooped. I have my mids higher than most people ever do with their rectos, but I guess the impulses are playing a role in the sound of this a lot. I have gotten better tones out of my recto since then, as this was recorded a while ago, but I still think the tone fits in the mix well enough to not sound alien.

Thanks heaps for the comments man. I appreciate people finally listening and paying attention to this thread. :lol:

I am very glad people are enjoying this song. It's our (the band) favourite song of ours.
I still think the kick bottom end overpowers the mix a bit

I think so as well. That kick is very boomy still.

(Deal with the kick drum first as it is the main issue with the mix.)

Vocals are buried...Your probably going to have to bring them up a bit.Try compressing the shit outta them. Maybe use a hi pass filter on them to get them to sit in there right as well.

Is there bass guitar in there? If so i cant hear it.

Between the kick, guitar and vocals there's some fighting for freq. space in the low mids and that is always going to give you issues. Notch out with a eq the freqs in the guitar that are making it muddy. You might want to swap out the kick altogether if you cant get it to sit right with the rest of the mix. The bottom end of that kick seem really messy. Try cutting more of the lows out of it first.I would do the same for the snare as well as find the crack of the snare (it gets totally lost during the blasts)and notch it up a bit. (maybe around 2000 or 3000 area) Always try subtractive eq first though as to not have the cheap sound of a plug-in eq thin out your sounds.

Great tune though! But you already know that.:)

Hi guys im new to the forum but have been mixing music for some time.
I love this forum!:rock:

I've listened to some of your other stuff, and yeah this completely destroys most of it! A huge improvement. Digging the guitar tone, makes my gut ache with G.A.S for a dual rec! And I actually really dig the kick, it really reminds me of Hypocrisy! I'd be thrilled if you could upload a sample of it! But maybe you can't, since it "belongs" to AD I guess?

Vocals "dissappear" in the mix at some times, maybe work more with automating the volume or work more with compression to bring it out more when it fades. Most of the vocals sound good though!

Another trick is to just A-B the mix with some of your favorites, and try to pinpoint the biggest differences and then work on those. I do this alot, and I feel it really helps me out, especially when you have been mixing for a long time and get 'blind' to what you're doing.
Jason - Thank you very much for your advice man. I'll definitely try out some of the things that you've told me when it comes to mix the songs in a bit more of a 'final' way. Can you please give me some advice on how to compress the vocals without having them clip a lot? :( Also, all the mixing of the drums has been done in AD, and the EQ is set to sound great in there, minus the boom, so I might use some EQ's in Cubase itself to scoop out some more specific samples of the kick.

GreyWolf - I can't remember the settings of the time. They've changed a bit now, but honestly it was SOMETHING like...
Bass - 10:30
Mids - 2:00
Treble - 1:00
Gain - 10:30 or 11:00
Presence 11:30
On the diodes and bold settings, also using a ZW-44 overdrive pedal to boost it, with the output set to full, the gain set to 0 and the tone in the middle.
Set your amp up with all the knobs pointed straight up and see how it sounds, and go from there. My EQ 'looks' weird on the panel, but I find that Rectos can sound amazing like that.
I used 2 different impulses in Recabinet. On the right is a 6l6 i5 cap grill, and on the left is a 6l6 57 cap grill. I also had them on the 'default' setting in Voxengo Boogex, and turned the 'drive' all the way sound, but left the dynamics and tone knobs where they are.

Unavoidable - Thanks man. The vocals disappear when our vocalist does the low growls because he isn't as strong with them as he is the highs, and I haven't EVER used automation before so it's something I have to try out sometime...but since this is just a demo I might get it all finished and then worry about having new tricks when I start to record new songs, because I really want these songs to be done already (there are about 10 or 11). I do actually like the kick a fair bit actually, but I can hear what others mean when they say it sits in the mix a tad weird, and I try to A/B my mixes with other favourite ones, but the others just sound so much better I find I can't learn as much as I want - Organic Hallucinosis and The Apostasy come to mind. :D

Thank you so much for listening guys! I uploaded another song from the demo last night to keep people on other forums interested, so here it is for you guys too. This one has a lot more of a Nevermore/Cannibal Corpse feel to it.
https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1044020/tribulatio AD test.mp3
Dude, I gotta say, I fucking LOVE your vocalist's style; the recording quality could use some work, but I can hear he has one seriously evil fucking voice, and the music certainly helps! Listening to the updated mix, the kick perhaps still has a bit too much thunder, but it's much better; I feel like there are a lot of level inconsistencies with the vox though, they could use some serious compression to make the level more even, and it sounds like there's some distortion going on or (god forbid) mic-cupping, the sound just isn't very consistent IMO.
I agree wholeheartedly Marcus. :) Thank you so much.

Can someone please give me advice on how to compress vocals and get them all the one leve, without them clipping heaps, or explain compression a bit more to me?

Right now all that's on the vocals is a high pass, a small shelf in the high frequencies, and PSP Vintagewarmer 2, and also a slight amount of reverb.

I don't think our vocalist cups the mic very much (if at all).