Dual Red Tremoverb?


boom tap boom-boom tap
Jul 2, 2008
Dual Rec*

A guy on Clist is selling me a ton of shit for super cheap, one of the things is a dual tremoverb for 650$. There is a person on clist who wants to trade a 5150 for a Dual Rec. Are tremoverbs and recs the same amp? Google didn't come up with anything to useful, and the sticky says nothing about these. It's a late 90's model he says.
The Tremoverb is more catered to versatility than the regular Dual Recto is. It's similar to the 2 channel in design and sound (isn't as loose as the 3 channel), and has better cleans.

A lot of people say the Tremoverb is the best Recto ever made.
:O. I'll take a few more opinions before I make the purchase, but I'm having a real leniency towards yes right now.
All right, I'm buying it. This guy is awesome enough to also be trading me his Oversized(for sure this time) for my Stiletto, AND selling my bass player an Ampeg B4r for 100$. Sorry about the faceplate man, but there is a person in my area who wants a Dual Rec for his 5150. If I decide I don't like this amp, I'll trade with that guy and send you your damn plates :lol: