Dub Buk - Idu Na Vy!

Tranquillian said:
is this a nsbm band?

i think so -- http://www.panzerfaust.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46 what a great site and forum btw, bye bye UM!

they sell some really nice shirts as well, perfect for every white aryan hate man1ac like myself

"The next was DUB BUK, probably the most famous NSBM band after NOKTURNAL MORTUM in Ukraine today. Their next to last album “Idu Na Vy” became bestseller on the label Eastside Rec. DUB BUK must be the most radical ideological brunch not only in Ukrainian but also in Eastern European NSBM. A phrase from their song became popular: '…and on the last priest’s gut we’ll strangle the last jew…' "
The flow is always lost in translation.

Hmm, Kid Cock is on the radio right now, I wonder if his shit would sound eloquent if translated into different languages? :Spin:
Wow. I can't wait until air pollution burns everyone's skin off so the survivors can find something else to exclude people over.
I just got the most recent album "Rus Ponad Vse!" and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. To pull use an Erik and Sorath, I'd say its more oriented towards a thrash metal terror approach, than Idu Na Vy! which was more keyboard laden than this one, although the fun little folk melodies are still present. Its definately a worthy purchase and I'll probably write up a review for it sometime.
So, two and half years later, are these discs (mainly Ponad and the one that is not Idu na Vy) worthy or my attention? It appears I wasn't that impressed back then, but I assume my tastes were less refined then than they are at the present
I managed to download a couple of songs from Idu, but have so far only listened to one of them one time, but it sounded very interesting.
I'll probably end up getting at least one of those vinyls
Dub Buk has pretty much the greatest band name ever. I liked one of their albums, can't remember if it was Idu Na Vy! or Rus Gonad Something