

Producer / Engineer
Apr 16, 2006
hey guys,

Me and my girl will be visiting Dublin in August, are there any things that are a must-see? any interesting music or language related stuff over there we can visit?

Take me with you? I swear I won't bother, just drop me off at the first pub once you hit Dublin.

Aside from that, just knock yourself out. Bring a raincoat.
hey guys,

Me and my girl will be visiting Dublin in August, are there any things that are a must-see?

hmm the road out of there:lol::lol: There is not much to see in dublin its more of what to do and by that i mean how many pubs can you drink the black stuff in:kickass:. Lived there for 5 years its a kip great night life though. Id check out james gate, trinity, stephens green can be nice if its not raining temple bar will be where you will find all the japs nd yanks taking pics and all the old fashined irish pubs looking for your money to be honest the city centre is pretty small you should be able to see every thing in a day no problem just get a map with all the landmarks on it. In terms of whats on check this site it has all listings for gigs ciemas ect http://entertainment.ie/ if you have the time consider checking out some parts of ireland outside the big smoke its much better down the country side:)
ah cool! thanks guys, those are some interesting things to look into :)
Agreed.....not a lot in terms of amazing sites to see compared to some of the other spots I've lived in, but there's more than a few decent pubs about the place :D

Most tourists tend to go to the Temple Bar part of town where it's wall-to-wall pubs and restaurants but it can get pretty ugly down there on a Saturday night. There's plenty of cool spots elsewhere in town though. If you want to get out of Dublin the North Coast and South Coast tour buses might be an option - my girlfriend's Dad used to drive the South Coast tour.

It's a pretty small city so you can virtually walk everywhere. The downside is that it can be pretty expensive on the accommodation, food and booze side of things.