Dug Pinnick - Emotional Animal


charting my way to top :)
Feb 9, 2005
Dug Pinnick – Emotional Animal
Magna Carta - 2624590792 – August 2, 2005
By Zack Attaran


Generally, I’m not a fan of albums that feature fifteen tracks. That usually indicates poor songwriting and songs with little or no substance. Do you think that’s the case with the prog-rock side project of King’s X bassist? You betcha. Okay, maybe a ton of tracks can be a good thing. If you think about it, there’s bound to be a few good ones hiding in there amidst all the junk, you just have to know where to look. In this case, you won’t be looking hard. Put the CD in and you’ll get two very promising openers, but that’s about it. As you progress on, things will get boring, bland and even funny when you reach ’Equal Rights for Everyone’. No, I’m not Hitler, I just love how he’s singing about his favorite drugs in gospel fashion. In addition to this, I find that there are moments when I can’t help but think how similar this is to King’s X. Maybe that’s a good thing if you’re a fan of them, because this is definitely for you.

So ultimately, it’s a math problem. If you have approximately 6 ½ minutes of good music in an album that’s 53 minutes long, that amounts to a CD that is 12% worth your while. You decide! Overall, this is just mediocre prog-rock that is pretty boring and average. One thing I must admit, though, is that if you’re 56 years old and releasing semi-decent albums, well, congratulations!


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Unoffical Dug Pinnick Website
Official Magna Carta Website
Papa Josh said:
Seems to me someone else should've reviewed this album.

A King's X fan, perhaps?

Cuz this review blows.

I'm a King's X fan - I own all their albums - and I've always been disappointed by their side projects. Tabor's, Pinnick's, and Gaskill's solo albums aren't that great, nor are records from Platypus, The Jelly Jam, Jughead (best of the lot), Supershine, and others. I listened to some of this, and it follows the same trend, but to be fair, I didn't listen to all of it. So, uh, yeah. Maybe that helps a bit. :goggly:
Well, I am not a big fan of Tabor's solo albums, but I do enjoy The Jelly Jam, Supershine, which is basically Trouble with Pinnick's voice... I heard the Poundhound demos years before they were ever put to cd and released, and having seen Poundhound live, I can say they were great.
And I think GAskill's solo release was criminally slept on.
Hmmm, yeah while I like Kings X, they aren't my favorite. They're sort of a 7/10 band for me...

Unfortunately, it's easier in theory to do perfect match ups of promos to people, so sometimes you just have to take what you get.
Hah, Zack! The drummer for Equirhodont is 60 and he can do double bass and everything. So I guess you'd give him a HUGE congratulations, eh? I love Equirhodont. :(