Dumbest. Human. Ever.


That may be hard, she is full of herself.

I worked at an amphitheater, and when she performed like 2 years ago, she complained to event staff because someone ate out of her m&m tray.

Karma is not working. She is a stuck up, spoiled bitch, and she gets her own tv show.

Life is funny, isn't it?
Tee said:
maybe she doesn't have a sense of smell.... :( LOL
Heh, nor a basic ability to read, as it says "TUNA" right on the can.

Then again, I forgot that this was the woman who would not eat Buffalo wings because they were made of buffalos and that was cruel to them. Dumber than a box of hammers, I tell you.
Don't fret Tee, think of the great people of humanity.

Albert Einstien, Shakespeare, Tom Clancy(lol), Timothy Leary(according to warrel), and people who have helped us strive to excellence.

and let's not forget the man in my sig.
"Then again, I forgot that this was the woman who would not eat Buffalo wings because they were made of buffalos and that was cruel to them."

............She did......................no way....................no one is that stupid.........................it's just not possible..................my god........:lol: