Duncan Patterson solo session 28th December

Are all your poets dead cos ye shot them?? thats man stuff

All our poets are dead cos they went out and fought and the british army executed them, and just to prove how manly they were they wrote poems the night before they were shot...thats real mansize poetry that is
Originally posted by Strangelight
I'll be doing a solo drinking session in Athens on 28th December. Everyone is welcome to come and watch, then gossip about it to your mates. I'll be drinking guinness and probably move onto whiskey and tequila later on. Make sure you pull your best faces and stare for ages without saying anything.

:loco: Hell yeah!!! :D This man is telling the truth, he is gonna DRINK and i have proofs! ;)

Originally posted by Strangelight
I'll be doing a solo drinking session in Athens on 28th December. Everyone is welcome to come and watch, then gossip about it to your mates. I'll be drinking guinness and probably move onto whiskey and tequila later on. Make sure you pull your best faces and stare for ages without saying anything.

so you actually drink?i thought the myth of druncan was for boys:rolleyes:

and whose gonna drag you to bed later?the non-talking stared greeks?come on girls sleep this MAN!:grin: