

Edenspring Wayfarer
Dec 8, 2001
The Dreaming
Any Dune fans here around?
I'd like to discuss about the books and/or the film with any fans here around.

Also: does someone among you have the Dune Encyclopedia? It's from much time that I'm searching it, even used... Are you willing to sell it or make a bargain?
The computer game (in fact the entire series) was brilliant too.
I have almost everything about Dune, ranging from Shai-Hulud models and RPG settings to maps of Giedi Prime and original sketches of Sardaukar troopers.... but I'll take your soul for a piece :D
Originally posted by IRoN
The computer game (in fact the entire series) was brilliant too.

Timmy baby sent me Dune 2000, but I couldn't get too far :cry: Mission 6, I remember. What's after that?

(My daddy's asking :) )