Dungeon Vic!

Ahahahahhahaha! I can't believe it! I guess you are in Scotland, Aberdeen? ;) Tell them, message received but the beard is the same, it just has a mind of its own!
You work in the uni radio as well?
That's right, Aberdeen... I know, I couldn't believe it either! Sophia is one of my best friends for the last two years... Adonis is over, we went and saw Machine Head in Glasgow last week. I noticed your location and told her some guy from Crete had joined here with awesome music taste... she asked your username, I told her and she said "it must be my brother". I didn't believe it so I showed her the picture you posted and she confirmed it... crazy eh! I was blown away... I love the internet! And yeah, I do the other metal show on Aberdeen Student Radio, Bangers 'n' Thrash!
Heh, what we have here is a fine example of how the Internet makes the world even smaller! :)

Cool about the show, I always forget to tune in, I've missed all her shows but one, now I have more incentive to listen, I like your show's name!
I hope Sophia remembered to pick a shirt for me! I'm very much into collecting shirts and I only have 1 MH shirt and a pair of jams/shorts. Need more!
Sophia has awesome taste in music, no? I'd like to think I helped a lot with that!

Since it's easier to reach my sister through you(!), tell her to check my facebook profile, we created a page for Ensemble (she will know!) with loads of pictures!

Nice one!
I do believe she got you a shirt for your collection :)

She does have great music taste, introduced me to a couple of albums I now love, like Skyclad's Answer Machine and Demolition Hammer too... And yeah, she said you are very much responsible for her music taste, so I guess you are indirectly responsible for getting me into those albums, so thanks very much :lol:

You should totally tune in to Bangers 'n' Thrash... I think you would like it. Monday afternoons, there's a thread about it on here somewhere...

I will pass on your message for sure! Cheers mate :)