Dunno if you guys saw this...


May 22, 2010
Mesa, AZ
But the Bugera 1960 (Marshall Superlead copy) is on sale as the Stupid Deal of the Day today for $250.

Normally, I wouldn't touch a Bugera with a 30 ft pole... but for $250, it seems like it could be a badass modding platform. Actually, I'm emailing back and forth about it with my tech now, it looks like he has a hotrod circuit that would drop right into that amp, and after I showed it to him, he's thinking of picking one or two up himself to mod. If the price is right for his mod, I might pick one up just to have an awesome Marshall tone on the cheap :rock:


I mean, even if it requires a tech to go through and solder all the parts to the board so it's more reliable, at $250, you really can't go wrong on any high wattage tube amp. Hell, might even be cool if you want to get into modding amps yourself (it's certainly much cheaper than putting one together yourself), or you could gut it and put your own turret board in there.

I was gonna post this, but the price kept saying $350, which is the regular street.

Bugera rules and this would be a nice flavor to have around.

You have to add it to your cart to see the sale price, as is the case for all Stupid Deals of the Day.

I was gonna get one and have it modded with a master volume, but I deliberated too much and now they're sold out. Oh well :lol: