Engl-530 +Poweramp or Bugera.


Sigurd Løberg
Feb 16, 2006
Trondheim, Norway
I'm on a budget and right now I'm looking at two different options.

1. An Engl e530 pream and a poweramp. I might get a really good deal on a used marshall El84 2x20 (Will this be loud enough?). I'll have to look at other poweramp deals if this deal doesn't come through (fell free to come up with suggestions).

2. Bugera 6260 or 333 head.

I can't really use more than max 5-600 euro right now and I really need a new amp for my band.
The style is Death Metal and my old Randall Solidstate head just isn't cutting it. I bought it as a cheap replacement years ago when my 5150 (I'd love to get my hands on one of these again) had to go because of financial issues.
So any help is appreciated!
With that kind of budget you could pick up both used and use the Bugera as a poweramp with the ENGL. That way you've got both to play with!!

I've got the ENGL here and it records really well, great for a modern Hi gain tone although it can get a little fizzy. I've recorded guys with the Bugera 6260 and got a nice tone with it, though it wasn't death metal.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1547445/White Gold MP3.mp3 The guitar tone on that is half 6260, half jcm800 boosted with the Zakk Wylde OD.