Dusk and her embrace vs Midian


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Two totally different albums, absolutely nothing alike. I find it rather odd that both cd's are of two totally different styles, and different SOUNDS, and yet they are both killer records, and they are both definatively 'Cradle material.

So, putting them up against each other... very hard things to do.

Midian was the first Cradle of Filth cd i got, and after a few listens, it totally blew me away, and i went from thinking that dani davey totally sucked, to totally worshipping the ground he walks on, in fact, he's my favourite vocalist in metal at the moment, over wally, over devin...

The music is almost iron maidenish when you break it down, nice little melodies and harmonizations infused with short breaks of drum, bass and vocals to emphasize dani's role within the band. Though the execution (no pun :D ) is somewhat different to 'maiden and their way of thinking.

The lyrics at first seemed humerous to some degree, which i didn't appreciate, and still sometimes i think "oh god dani, that's just terrible :lol: ), but whilst i do appreciate the dusk lyrics tenfold, midian holds it's own charm, and quite frankly Dani's voice is superior on Midian that on anything they have done previously, and most certainly anything they will continue to do in the future.

More on the vocals later.

Dusk and her embrace, the third cradle album i got, it took me so long to get around the shrill scream that dani used about 80% of the time on this record. Hell, i actually squeal like a pig along with him these days, but even now it gets to me a bit, especially when you see what he CAN do with his voice (midian), and the bizarre control over his voice that he holds.

The production of the album, whilst not upfront as in midian, is amazing. It really is, it's "perfect" for their little niche in metal. At first it might seem a little muddy, even a bit bassy at times, but then it'll totally grab you, and you'll never turn back.

While the vocals are a hell of alot better on midian, the lyrics on Dusk and Her Embrace are superior. There's no humour in his lyrics, it's totally serious, some of it just leaves me with my mouth hanging open afterwards (still, no pun :lol: ). The execution of his vocals is strange, considering the extreme amount of time he obviously took to arrange his and sarah's lines, some of it is simply awestriking, such as the part where everything goes silent, and she says "Never leave me...", that just totally rips my heart out.

THE most beautiful song ever is a cradle of filth song. It goes by the name of "Malice through the looking glass..."

When he starts the spoken word part with "...She died to a sky dressed in flames...", it totally kills me, i actually want to HOLD dani in my arms at that point :lol: The song is totally beautiful, and i want it played at my funeral.

There's actually a strange middle eastern undertone to some of the songs on DUSK, and i can't quite explain it... in Dusk and her embrace, right after he says that line, there is a middle eastern riff... and also there is a few on Red Roses for the Devils Whore and Funeral in Carpathia i beleive. It just totally appeals to me.

If dani went back and redid the high pitched squeals with vocals similar to that on midian, i would marry this album, i would have it's children, and then i would marry it again... simply put.

Go and get both albums, and put one album above the other (dusk and her embrace on top of midian), and take a look. They totally fit together. One is green, and one is purple, and they totally fit... they just seem 'right' together... Cruelty and the beast is just "wrong", and it shouldn't have been released between these two. It's a bad album, and i can't stand it, considering what was released before, and after this one...

So what do you think?
Cruelty is a bit of a shit album but it does have some good bits. Like the intro to Bathory Area, that one yanks at the old heart strings if you read the lyrics. I had Dusk and Her Imbrace once, listened to it once but then got rid of it cause I HATED the production, I couldn't hear shit. Maybe I should pick it up again and have a proper listen :)
Holy shit, just downloaded "malice through the looking glass" and could actually hear my heart tear as I listened to it. This is a much more sincere, somber COF than what I'm used to. Lol, and Dain's 'singing' jesus christ!!! Damn this band has some awesome skill in crafting moody music.
i love both albums as well, but i think dusk is better. i was my first cof album. i hated it at first cuz of the vocals, but it grew on me and now it is one of my favorites. i agree with you 100% about malice and the seriousness of the lyrics. it just seems less of a 'gimmicky' album to me (not to disparage midian).

and what's with all the cruelty and the beast hatin' going on?!? :eek: i think it is a very solid album, even though the production could have been better. cruelty brought thee orchids is my favorite filth song ever.
Good to hear pinkman... :)

Cruelty and the beast... the only thing i like about the album, aside from when my cd player clicks of ( :lol: ), is the start of the 'first' proper song. track two... that's killer... but it goes downhill from there, the vocals are weak too... except in Beneath... The... Howling..... STAAAAAAAARS :D
ha ha... no way, that shit pisses me off... Pure humour! :yuk:

That's when they started to do the gimmicky stuff (yeah, i know theres the 'vampire' picture in dusk, but check out the member photos, dani's got HUGE eyebrows, and no makeup! :eek:

It's evident in the music everywhere... especially that 'instrumental' track with the chick going "Oooooh, Uh Uh Uh Uh Uuuuuuh Oooooh AAAAAAAAAAAAH etc"
hey, i masturbate to that track, so leave it alone!!!! (well. . . not really. . .)

i admit that cruelty isn't their best album, but i will at least say that it is 'good' and, when you really look at it, 'not MUCH different from their other stuff'! it has the melodies, a similar quality of lyrics, and good songwriting. dani doesn't do that little goblin scream nearly as much as he did on earlier stuff (although i don't mind it). the only thing i find lacking on the album is production. nicolas sounds like he is beating on a tabletop. other than that, i think it is a very solid release.

but not nearly as good as their best, the epic V Empire (some call it vempire, others say it is 'the fifth empire', from the v in front. . .). filth's best work to date
I'm going to have to go with BWD on this one and pick Dusk.
I dont know how to explain it, Midian is good, but its got a "pop" twinge to it. I dont know, its not like Backstreet or anything, it just has hints of "nu", if you will. On the other hand, Dusk is darker and much more emotional. Both are great albums, but Dusk just blows me away, it takes the cake in this bout.
dusk is better than midian. cruelty is better than midain as well. i find midian kind of boring after about track 4 or 5. i just listened to cruelty on the ride home from visiting friends at college, and it fucking rules. ive even grown to almost like the production. cruelty was my first cof record, but i didnt truly get into it until recently after i had gotten into dusk so much. and that part right after the spoken "dusk and her embrace" is so fucking big and epic it gives me the fuckin chills everytime. i also prefer the cruelty era vocals as well. there was more variation. also, dusk and cruelty have better lyrics than midian for sure.