Dusk and her embrace vs Midian

whats that like track 7? i think think you misinterpreted what i meant. i meant after about 5 tracks im ready to listen to somthing else. ill listen to that cd again tomorrow or somthing and see if ive changed my mind. it could happen.
Originally posted by Black Winter Day
but not nearly as good as their best, the epic V Empire (some call it vempire, others say it is 'the fifth empire', from the v in front. . .). filth's best work to date

now THAT is the kindof production job that Cruelty should have received! they made nick's tabletop and cardboard boxes sound awesome... the vocals are awesome on that one :eek:
yeh. ive been thinking about buying their earlier material since i dig the rest so much. theres 2 before dusk right? vempire and another one?
yeh its in the top 3 off midian but i wouldnt call it the best cof song ever. the part where dani and the chick double up (around the 5min mark) is pretty sick though. but theres several on dusk and cruelty that i would take over this one as the *best*