DVD - is it out yet?

Hey guys

Believe it or not we just recieved a box of these last night. But Doug, Sean and I were working on some material so we did not watch it?

I have watched bits and pieces on the Computer and thats fine, I have not had a chance to view it on the big screen yet? This thing should be right!

I know the sync is not perfect but should not be that off? sounds weird?

More soon

NP : Steve Morse Band : Stressfest
Okay, I watched the whole DVD yesterday.
First: I love it. I simply love it. Now I remember why I loved the live webcast. Band tight as hell, great crowd, fun. Looooong gig. Great setlist.

Second: the sync problems didn't bother me as much as they did when I first watched it. Okay, sometimes it IS annoying, but I could really, really enjoy the concert.
And some interesting interviews on the second DVD, too!

Great stuff, guys. I'm so glad to have this DVD!
ich bin besser said:
Okay, I watched the whole DVD yesterday.
First: I love it. I simply love it. Now I remember why I loved the live webcast. Band tight as hell, great crowd, fun. Looooong gig. Great setlist.

Second: the sync problems didn't bother me as much as they did when I first watched it. Okay, sometimes it IS annoying, but I could really, really enjoy the concert.
And some interesting interviews on the second DVD, too!

Great stuff, guys. I'm so glad to have this DVD!

Besides our addiction to THE music...please tell a little more precisely HOW annoying it is.
My Problem: I'm writing for a dvd-mag (www.dvd-center.de) and for that I'm used to look at flaws, Sync-probs and stuff like that and if they are big, i will have a problem to enjoy it.

What mark would grant this DVD concerning the sound/synchronisation? (1-6)

For example: The first "edition" of "live at last" I would have reviewed with a very bad summary in the end, because of the bad sound. In a range form 1 (good) to 6 (bad) it would have been the "6" (Sorry, guys... :) )

Do you think there will be another reprint?
ich bin besser said:
I got mine from amazon.de today and this is really strange.
On my stand-alone DVD player, there are indeed these sync problems. Very annoying, that's true. [...]

I got a replacement a week ago...with the same problem. Very annoying sync problems until the display shows 1h 27m 10s (IIRC) -- after that things are better.

Anyway, I don't know yet if I'll return this DVD as well. There's no need to have the DVD if it's to annoying to watch. :-/
The sync problem seems to be only on certain camera angles.
Still annoying though.
I am dissapointed - I thought it was going to be fantastic.
Wow - I got my copies last night - can't say I watched every single second of the 2 1/2 hours but I definitely watched MOST of the entire show... I did notice a few times things seemed just a TAD off audio-wise when shot from the side of the stage with what seemed like different cameras (handhelds??..)

But only from thoss angles and that seemed to be a very small thing to me... usually I am very anal retentive about this type of stuff but I thought the DVD came out GREAT.
