Discouraged one
Hey Danny could you just point some light here? I read on the web stores its in PAL format, im afraid if i buy it i wont be able to see it here in Mexico since we use NTSC... help please !!!
Valedictory said:Hey Danny could you just point some light here? I read on the web stores its in PAL format, im afraid if i buy it i wont be able to see it here in Mexico since we use NTSC... help please !!!
dead6skin6mask6 said:hey Danny... think you could get audio or video of the peaceville songs and put it on the website? i think it would be a pretty cool thing to see
i didnt know about that, thats some good news.Master_Debater said:Same day as the Strapping Young Lad DVD release, sweet.
a_silent_enigma said:@anyone from the U.S. on this forum: Is converting Pal pricy? I've seen this place near my work that converts but have never been there. I might just do that if the NTSC version doesn't come out.