Dying Day, personality and luv


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2003
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Dying Day: December 8, 2054
at the age of 75 years old.

Heart Attack (32%)
Cancer (22%)
Alcoholism (9%)
Alien Abduction (9%).

Personality: JUDGE
(Dominant Introvert Concrete Thinker ) (what the :yell: :yell: :yell: ).

Luv ( :erk: ): Hello, Romeo/Romea! You scored a...
73% (what the :yell: :yell: :yell: ).
[size=+4]December 2, 2054 [/size]
[size=+2]at the age of 78 years old. [/size]

On that date you will most likely die from:

Heart Attack (36%)
Alien Abduction (12%)
Cancer (11%)
Homicide (7%)
Auto-Fellatio (6%)

Only 6 days :hotjump:

But I will be 3 years older, yeahhh... :loco: I would prefer the last cause of death...

(Submissive Introvert Abstract Thinker )

Like just 8% of the population you are a MASTERMIND (SIAT).
You can expect to die on:

[size=+4]November 6, 2042 [/size]
[size=+2]at the age of 67 years old. [/size]

On that date you will most likely die from:

[size=-1]Heart Attack (21%)
Cancer (17%)
Electrolysis (10%)
Homicide (10%)
Alcoholism (7%)

(Submissive Introvert Concrete Thinker )

Like just 7% of the population you are an ACCOUNTANT (SICT)--reserved, meticulous, and dependable. While being called an accountant isn't really that cool, neither are you. You aren't exactly the life of the party, but you do have fun, and the people close to you really do love you.

There are basically two kinds of accountants, and you most likely fit into one of the two categories:
Seriously: accountants are good at whatever they do. They can always be trusted, especially by their friends. They almost never cheat or steal. (Some real-life accountants do, however, they are probably Judges (DICT)). You probably have a wonderful relationship with your family.

Is it a bird? A plane? Is it a boy? A girl? Is it love, or is it lust? Ah, you. You are that rare mix of sensitive and sensual, romantic and randy, pride and prejudice, etc. When you see your crush, you waffle like a Belgian, unsure of whether you'd rather paint their toes or suck on their toes. Poets have long been puzzled by your kind. You'll never fall for robots or nymphos, but you will suffer longs bouts of marriage.​

eh? :(

Submissive :p .
"unsure of whether you'd rather paint their toes or suck on their toes" :p :p :p , this really shows in your music.

How come the aliens don't want to abduct you? And electrolysis?

I feel much better about my results now, but then I didn't bother to read all that stuff, was pissed off at being called a Dominant Introvert Concrete Thinker.
Is this a good score?

Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on:

[size=+4]August 3, 2022 [/size]
[size=+2]at the age of 44 years old. [/size]

On that date you will most likely die from:

[size=-1] Contagious Disease (22%)
Cancer (19%)
Heart Attack (14%)
Alcoholism (11%)
Alien Abduction (7%)
Overdose (7%)
Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation (5%)[/size]
(Dominant Introvert Abstract Feeler )


Like just 4% of the population you are an ARTIST (DIAF)--creative, adventurous, and deep. Although you are an introvert, your dominant ideas lead you to assert yourself often--especially through your work. You actively put your creativity to constructive use, and because you are ruled by your heart you are less likely to be inhibited by logic.

You have an intuitive understanding of emotion and know how evoke it in others, but the real world can be a prison of foolishness and embarrassment if you don't get your head out of the clouds a little more. Also, you are 87% likely to write poetry. Please, for the love of God, stop now.
You can expect to die on: Nov. 15, 2057 at the age of 78 years old.

On that date you will most likely die from:

Cancer (44%)
Heart Attack (14%)
Loneliness (10%)
Suicide (6%)
Horrible Accident (6%)
Alcoholism (6%)


Personality Test
Helper Who Finds Missing Children Over The Internet

(Submissive Introvert Concrete Feeler )

Like just 10% of the population you are a HELPER WHO FINDS MISSING CHILDREN OVER THE INTERNET (SICF). You are very tentative in the world and introverted with people--which means you are the shy and silent type. Hence the Internet. But behind your reserved exterior lies a dedicated person with a passion for the concrete truth who wants to, in her heart of hearts, help find missing children. God bless you.

hilarious! (I think I've found my lost child already)

Love test 58% Is it a bird? A plane? Is it a boy? A girl? Is it love, or is it lust? Ah, you. You are that rare mix of sensitive and sensual, romantic and randy, pride and prejudice, etc. When you see your crush, you waffle like a Belgian, unsure of whether you'd rather paint their toes or suck on their toes. Poets have long been puzzled by your kind. You'll never fall for robots or nymphos, but you will suffer longs bouts of marriage.
June 20, 2048
at the age of 64 years old.

On that date you will most likely die from:

Cancer (38%)
Alien Abduction (14%)
Alcoholism (9%)
Heart Attack (8%)
Third Degree Burns (6%)
Homicide (5%)
Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on:

December 27, 2036
at the age of 57 years old.

On that date you will most likely die from:

Cancer (27%)
Suicide (12%)
Electrolysis (9%)
Alcoholism (7%)
Auto-Fellatio (6%)
Homicide (5%)
Confusion (5%)

[size=+1]MERRY CHRISTMAS BY THE WAY :erk:[/size]


(Submissive Introvert Concrete Thinker )

Like just 7% of the population you are an ACCOUNTANT (SICT)--reserved, meticulous, and dependable. While being called an accountant isn't really that cool, neither are you. You aren't exactly the life of the party, but you do have fun, and the people close to you really do love you.

There are basically two kinds of accountants, and you most likely fit into one of the two categories:

Seriously: accountants are good at whatever they do. They can always be trusted, especially by their friends. They almost never cheat or steal. (Some real-life accountants do, however, they are probably Judges (DICT)). You probably have a wonderful relationship with your family.

[size=+2]BULLSHIT :mad:[/size]

Greetings, confusoid. You scored a...

Is it a bird? A plane? Is it a boy? A girl? Is it love, or is it lust? Ah, you. You are that rare mix of sensitive and sensual, romantic and randy, pride and prejudice, etc. When you see your crush, you waffle like a Belgian, unsure of whether you'd rather paint their toes or suck on their toes. Poets have long been puzzled by your kind. You'll never fall for robots or nymphos, but you will suffer longs bouts of marriage.


people more loveable than you (93%)
people just as loveable as you (0%)
people less loveable than you (5%)

[size=+1]HAHA NICE ONE![/size]
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
Is this a good score?
[size=+2]at the age of 44 years old. [/size]

poor!!! :erk:

You can expect to die on:

February 10, 2056
at the age of 77 years old.

On that date you will most likely die from:

Cancer (35%) :erk:
Heart Attack (19%)
Alien Abduction (10%)
Alcoholism (7%)
Third Degree Burns (5%)
Contagious Disease (5%)

I did this in the other page (I don't remember the name) and yeah it was almost the same, I expect to die through 75-80 years old and listening metal/rock !!!! :kickass:
I dream hearing my grandsons saying: "hey friends my grandpa is a metalhead!!!" :headbang:
John Carvajal said:
I dream hearing my grandsons saying: "hey friends my grandpa is a metalhead!!!" :headbang:

if anyone says that to me when im old, ill twat the little cheeky piece of shit :yell:
cedarbreed said:
Greetings, confusoid. You scored a...
40% --->
me 39%

cedarbreed said:
people more loveable than you (93%)
people just as loveable as you (0%)
people less loveable than you (5%)

94% -0% -5% NO BODY as loveable as me? so NO darcy walking around there somewhere for me.... pride and prejudices my ****


[size=+4]November 19, 2052 [/size]
[size=+2]at the age of 77 years old. [/size]​
On that date you will most likely die from:

Cancer (17%)
Homicide (9%)
Alcoholism (9%)
Heart Attack (9%)
Contagious Disease (6%)
Drowning (6%)
Love: Greetings, confusoid. You scored a... 55%

(Dominant Introvert Abstract Thinker )Like just 4% of the population you are an EXPERIMENTER
november 2, 2059

(Dominant Extrovert Abstract Feeler )

Like just 6% of the population you are a PERFORMER (DEAF)--personable, self-assured, and excellent under pressure. You are extroverted and strong-willed, which, in combination means you are good with people and aren't willing to let opportunity pass you by. Congratulations. I'm sure all the peons you've stepped on never saw it coming and didn't feel a thing.

You like being naked.

Anyhow, you have formidable creative talents, and you often following what your heart tells you instead of your logical mind. Your exuberance can earn you many friends and admirers, despite your ambition, or it can intimidate the less confident into keeping their distance. It's also possible you're Madonna.
Why are we mostly to die in December or cold months in general ? I mean look at the results ... November,December,February,October... Only one June and one August :confused: