Dying Fetus-War of Attrition


Dark Divinity
Aug 25, 2006
I haven't bought this album yet so i want to know what it's like? It it top the last one? I love these guys a lot. They're one of the tightest, most technical death metal bands i ever heard.
I heard some of it when cookiecutter played it in the car. I also heard a track on the comcast metal channel. Top quality stuff.
I heard it was rubbish... The type of album to have two or three riffs per song, and just loop it over and over again.
I heard it was rubbish... The type of album to have two or three riffs per song, and just loop it over and over again.

I downloaded half of it out of curiosity and found it so boring and generic. Dying Fetus really went downhill when Jason Netherton and Kevin Talley left, and besides that Johns gurgle vocals and hardcore slam/breakdowns get old so fast it ruins the band and their music is not timeless nor has any staying power imo. If Dying Fetus dropped those riffs and only used the higher raspy vocals they would be much better off.
I sampled the CD at FYE and heard Raping The System on XM Radio and it sounded good, I just haven't bought it yet, but I prefer John's lows to the high vocals.
I hate all their albums, but Stop At Nothing is pretty good (3 stars)... If this is worse, then I won't waste my time. There's plenty of better stuff out there anyway.