Dynamo 93 interview

'93 was a good year for Anthrax (the last good year for a long time), good line-up, good new album, succesful shows, unfortunately after Spitz's departure in '94 it all went downhill for the band and led them into 15 years of irrelevance(bad albums that didn't sell, club shows that weren't sold out, loss of their core-fanbase,...), the loss of a lead-guitarplayer is always tough for a metalband, almost as tough as the loss of the lead-singer.
Funny to watch Spitz at the beginning talk about how great In My World sounds with Bush in the band.
He's given interviews since leaving Anthrax where he acknowledges that he wasn't that interested in having Bush in the band.
Funny to watch Spitz at the beginning talk about how great In My World sounds with Bush in the band.
He's given interviews since leaving Anthrax where he acknowledges that he wasn't that interested in having Bush in the band.

That's why I actually shared the interview in the first place...:)

Would be nice to know what really happened. 1992 Anthrax was doing that live album - in and outside studio...and then all of a sudden they got new singer.

the loss of a lead-guitarplayer is always tough for a metalband, almost as tough as the loss of the lead-singer.

they should have recruited a permanent lead guitarist, preferably someone well known right after Spitz's departure. Their image as a four piece band, with an unknown "guest" did not work.

I always liked Vanessa Warwick, but God her questions were just...dumb.
they should have recruited a permanent lead guitarist, preferably someone well known right after Spitz's departure. Their image as a four piece band, with an unknown "guest" did not work.

This is one of the things that hurt them bigtime IMO. It made them look even more non-commital than they already were. It was like "Hi, we're Anthrax. We not only don't know what type of band we want to be anymore, but we're also not even sure who's in the band."
This is one of the things that hurt them bigtime IMO. It made them look even more non-commital than they already were. It was like "Hi, we're Anthrax. We not only don't know what type of band we want to be anymore, but we're also not even sure who's in the band."

Pretty much. And even though Paul Crook was really a kick ass guitarist, they screwed him over for years.
That was a really great performance of Room for One More:kickass:

It is and actually I haven't seen poor performances from that lineup...that's why it is so difficult to believe that Dan Spitz didn't like John at all...
...would be nice to know what happened after that tour and before Stomp recordings...Dan got kids of course...but somehow I've got an impression - from his e-mail interview - that he was really mad at Scott.

they should have recruited a permanent lead guitarist, preferably someone well known right after Spitz's departure. Their image as a four piece band, with an unknown "guest" did not work.

I felt the same way. That period around Stomp when Anthrax were photographed as a four piece without a lead guitarist looked strange. Anthrax is seen as a metal band where the lead's are a big part of the song. To see the band without a lead guitarist gave the impression that they were more like a grunge or punk band.
They definitely should have taken the time before Stomp to get a new permanent lead guitarist. There were a few guys out there without bands that would have been good. Also (and I know I'm in the minority here) I wasn't much for the solos that Dime did for the band...
i'm a big Pantera-fan but i don't really like the Anthrax-songs Dime contributed solos for. they should have gotten Rob right after Spitz's departure.
i'm a big Pantera-fan but i don't really like the Anthrax-songs Dime contributed solos for. they should have gotten Rob right after Spitz's departure.

Dime was an amazing guitar player, a freak of nature. Even more amazing was his guitar tone that was just absolutely brutal. But without Phil Anselmo neither Dime or Vinnie have been able to produce anything worth a shit. This is evident in pre Phil Anselmo era Pantera, Damageplan, Anthrax, and the absolutely horrible band Vinnie Paul is doing called Hell Yeah.

Phil has proven to do great material with Down and though its debatable I loved Superjoint Ritual.

I know John Bush is a small guy. But I never knew he was under 5'4. You know you are short when Scott Ian and Dan Spitz look 'normal' next to you.

Antwax... you should start a new thread with a nu John Bush era video every day. This is awesome. I am starting to become a huge Bush era fan. Before all these videos I really couldn't stand that era, but its really growing on me. Volume 8 is really starting to sound like the new Among The Living! Nice job!
...or Crook permanently like some have already said.

yes, they treated Paul like they usally treat their singers.
i've got a Vol.8 tour-shirt and it has the Vol.8 member-photos on the back, interestingly there's also a Paul Crook photo although he never was a member.