e-cigarettes and gear!


Mar 18, 2010
Its been my drummers dream to be able to smoke while he is working with me but i wont let him because of my gear and now he is asking if he can with his new ecigg lol :)

So what effect does it have? do you guys think that it may harm my equipment just like regular smoke? Does it depend on the cartridge installed??

There was a thread about this on Gearslutz. I can't offer you any scientific info, but I'm constantly vaping away here and haven't noticed any negative effects during the last 2,5 months. There's no burning with e-cigs, and regular smokes have tar and other nasty shit that sticks to your gear, so at least those are out of the equation.
No harm. It evaporates rapidly once expelled, and it does not contain tar which is the main issue with cigarette smoke and gear.
ok so i guess what you guys are saying is that tar is not necessarilly associated with nicotine so that even that cartridges that do have nicotine in them dont have tar (sorry about the noobness) and that it should be fine.

Thanks a lot for the replies!