e-mail i just got... ATTN: Preppy


Overly-Cryptic Jake
Hey Guys. Just a heads up that we are working the upcoming film from Paramount Pictures, “TUPAC: RESURRECTION”. The film is released on November 14, 2003. I’ve included some info about the film below as well as a few links you should check out. For more information please ask....


“This is my story, a story about ambition, violence, redemption and love.” --Tupac Shakur

An intimate portrait of a young man who rose from a life of adversity into a global icon who touched millions of lives, “Tupac: Resurrection” is the only film made in collaboration with Shakur’s mother, former Black Panther Afeni Shakur. It is also the only film told entirely in his own words. Visually stunning, this inspirational life story features never-before-seen concert footage, private home movies and excerpts from Tupac’s poetry and journals, all of which serve to create a very personal portrayal of a sensitive, passionate and often provocative artist who died before his time. In addition, the film features a soundtrack of Shakur’s best-selling music, as well as all new music by Biggie Smalls, Eminem, 50 Cent and Shakur himself, who currently ranks among the top 40 best-selling artists of all time, with more than 33.5 million records sold to date.

Watch the Trailer: http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/tupac_resurrection/
Watch the E-Card: http://www.bandbuilder.com/2pacresurrection/index.php
Official Site: http://www.tupac-resurrection.com/

Runnin' (Dying To Live) Audio Links:
Real Media: http://boss.streamos.com/real/interscope/2pac/resurrection/audio/00_runnin.ram
Windows Media (Low): http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/interscope/2pac/resurrection/audio/28_runnin.asx
Windows Media (High): http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/interscope/2pac/resurrection/audio/96_runnin.asx