O/T I just saw Boogie Nights


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
and the movie is totally hilarious. It reminded me of some Tarantino movies.
I was kinda shocked in the last scene when the ultrahasbeen Marky Mark (who played his own story pretty much in the film I guess) whipped out his cock. Wasn´t it a fake, for God´s sake? :lol:
johnnieCzech said:
and the movie is totally hilarious. It reminded me of some Tarantino movies.
I was kinda shocked in the last scene when the ultrahasbeen Marky Mark (who played his own story pretty much in the film I guess) whipped out his cock. Wasn´t it a fake, for God´s sake? :lol:
Karina_666 said:
you should see Wonderland. It's about John Holmes' involvement in one of the most brutal murders ever committed.
for some reason i was thinking finding neverland and i was like EH????? but then i realized thats not the new movie with johnny depp.
You should see beautiful creatures. it's a peter jackson film about these two girls that murdered one girls mother. it was pretty fucked up.
kate winslet is in it.
Johnnie should take a Mulligan on this one. Mark Whalberg has turned out to be one of the finest of the rapper turned actor crop. With the exceptions of Ices' Cube and T and Mr Snoop Dizzle. I thought Nights was LOOSELY, and I mean LOOSELY based on Holmes life in the biz.

BTW, 'Rock Star' was the shit.
Pretty good flick,

I love the rollergirl scenes(aka Heather Grahm in the buck) :loco:

and I love the part where Mark Walhberg and his friends go to reup on coke and the coke dealer is singing along to "Sister Christian", god that part knocks me off my chair:D

