Calendar Girls & Anthrax


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2005
I`m in a state of shock! I was just watching the movie "Calendar Girls" and I saw Frankie, Scott and John! I mean I saw them in the movie. They didn`t just wander through my livingroom for no apparant reason. Don`t be fooled by the title. "Calendar Girls" is not a Metal-type movie. This is what Yahoo movies says about it:

1 hr. 48 min. This film tells the true (but slightly fictionalized) story of 11 middle-aged women, ages 45 to 60, from the small village of Rylstone in Yorkshire, England who posed naked for the annual calendar of local branch of the Women's Institute, to raise money for medical research, after one of the husband, John Baker, of one of the members, Angela Baker (Walters), becomes terminally ill from leukemia.
Release Date:**December 19, 2003 (NY/LA).
MPAA Rating:** PG-13 for nudity, some language and drug-related material."

This is not the kind of movie you would expect ANTHRAX to be in. It`s PG-13 and ANTHRAX wasn`t even in the naughty bits. They were perfect gentlemen though I thought Frankie was getting a bit frisky with one of those women! Get the DVD and check out the completely pointless deleted scene where Frankie does a funky dance and Scott and John headbang as one of the "Calendar Girls" rocks out on the piano!

If anyone in THRAXVILLE knows how (or WHY!!!) this happened, please tell me!
takinwolfrider said:
I`m in a state of shock! I was just watching the movie "Calendar Girls" and I saw Frankie, Scott and John! I mean I saw them in the movie. They didn`t just wander through my livingroom for no apparant reason. Don`t be fooled by the title. "Calendar Girls" is not a Metal-type movie. This is what Yahoo movies says about it:

1 hr. 48 min. This film tells the true (but slightly fictionalized) story of 11 middle-aged women, ages 45 to 60, from the small village of Rylstone in Yorkshire, England who posed naked for the annual calendar of local branch of the Women's Institute, to raise money for medical research, after one of the husband, John Baker, of one of the members, Angela Baker (Walters), becomes terminally ill from leukemia.
Release Date:**December 19, 2003 (NY/LA).
MPAA Rating:** PG-13 for nudity, some language and drug-related material."

This is not the kind of movie you would expect ANTHRAX to be in. It`s PG-13 and ANTHRAX wasn`t even in the naughty bits. They were perfect gentlemen though I thought Frankie was getting a bit frisky with one of those women! Get the DVD and check out the completely pointless deleted scene where Frankie does a funky dance and Scott and John headbang as one of the "Calendar Girls" rocks out on the piano!

If anyone in THRAXVILLE knows how (or WHY!!!) this happened, please tell me!
Probably because they got paid!! Hey, we all got to make a buck somehow. My question is this. Why were YOU watching a film about old crusty naked women?:grin:
It was on cable the other night and I watched. It wasn't bad but I won't watch it again. However, if anyone does, check and see if I heard this right. As the guys are fading out of the picture, conversing, does someone say to the effect" You're story is quite interesting" but in a British accent? Would that be Southhampton Frank :)