Ear Fatigue.

There is something else most musicians and engineers take that makes you drowsy, and hungry, and happy.
'i know this sounds strange but ...it is something that seems to work for many people.'
Might go have some right now my equilibrium with in the cochlea feels a bit off...


tisk tisk
Does an ill treated room/monitor placement contribute to ear fatigue?

Fix this first and see if it helps. Should be fixed anyway. ;)

I do work with a lot of bass heavy mixes, so I feel like most of my listening fatigue comes from that.

Excessive lows can cause bad intermodulation distortion if the woofer has to cover a wide range of frequencies.

If that seems to be happening, 3-way monitors would protect the mids from contamination, a sub would take the strain off your woofers.

What's a safe volume level for Mixing to get the least amount of ear fatigue?

Really quiet? :D

Seriously though, you should only be cranking it up to 85dB occasionally to check what it sounds like at that level.

And take breaks as frequently as you need to. If 5 mins off every 10 mins keeps you comfortable, do it. Mixing for 50 mins straight is wasted if your ears are tired out after the first quarter of an hour.