Earl Root (Asema Daeva) / Benefit Show.


Aug 29, 2002
In Space
For those who know Earl Root of Asema Daeva.

As some of you may or may not know, our mutual friend, Earl Root (Root Of All Evil/Root Cellar Records/ Mpls thrash metal band Disturbed) was diagnosed with Lymphoma about 4 & 1/2 yrs ago. Since then he's received many chemo and radiation treatments, but the cancer is still with him. Recently he found out that the cancer was spreading and growing, more medical attention is now needed. I don't know the specifics, but I'm told that there will be more chemo and radiation, possible marrow transplant, and he's going into surgery sometime between Christmas and New Year's.

You may also recall that Earl's store (Root Cellar Records) closed it's doors in Dec of 2004 after 14 yrs, and maintains his buisness on a smaller scale through the net. (e-bay and rootofallevil.com) His medical bills are most likely through the roof and more are to come, he has received some state and fedeal help (I think) but it's still not enough to cover it all.

I'll be honest with you here, I don't knw how much longer Earl will be with us. He takes meds on a continual basis and deals with a lot of pain daily. Obviously we want Earl to be with us for many years to come, but he's mentioned that all the stuff he's going through may or may not prolong his life for at least a few more years. Luckily, his type of Lymphoma (cancer of the lyphnodes) is the Non-Hodgkins type, but nevertheless, there's no cure for it.

Friends and family alike have organized a benefit for Earl and is scheduled for Dec 9th, 2006. Anything after that will be too physically and metally stressful for him. Several local bands are slotted to play the event, and I gave it 110% to contact some national acts that know Earl and/or have played with his band back when they were the ONLY Disturbed around. Obviously it's difficult or impossible for bands to take time from their schedules and come to MN for such an event, but I had to make an attempt.

If any of you would like to make a donation, whether it be merchandise to be raffled/auctioned off at the benefit show, or money that will be deposited into an account set up for him, please contact me via my regular e-mail address (info@minneapolismayhem.com) or through myspace. At that time I will provide you with an address that you can mail your donations to, if you wish to do so.

Almost 20 yrs ago, Earl Root started a radio show called The Root Of All Evil, of KFAI Fresh Air Radio. It's a community station that ppl volunteer for and receive no pay. Since then it's been heard all over the world, thanks to the internet. No other show has a format like ours, we play metal, punk, ambient, etc that no one else can or will touch. Local, national, international ... music from all over the world. Many of the bands that are heard on The Root Of All Evil have worked with Earl Root in one way or another. He's met many people and made even more friends in this unforgiving business. He has a record label of the same name, and we even had a video show that lasted almost 5 yrs. (on local access cable channels) Some days it's the greatest thing in the world, other days it's like being kicked in the teeth repeatedly.

This is not a scam or some sort of scheme devised to make a quick buck, we simply want to give back something to a man who's devoted almost 20 yrs of his life to heavy metal and music in general. We want to make things a little less complicated for Earl for as long as he's still with us. Won't you do what you can to help us?
