Early Man


student of the d'eh
Me thinks Dave protested too much and did so incorrectly.

I've been hearing Early Man's song "Death is the Answer" on WSOU quite often, and grabbed the mp3 from the Matador website (there's a video there too).

They MIGHT be manufactured, but the end result is better than quite a few other things I've heard lately.

And yes, the guy DOES have a distinct Steve Hennesey SHeavy - Ozzy thang going
Well, the problem is not the music, it is the way it is marketed. Early Man is not metal, they have influences of it maybe. Oftentimes, the blabbering about a band spoils it for some listeners because you do not approach it without predispositions...that's why people around me call me a nu-metal-fan when I listen to Tool: but they are neither nu nor metal, so what - who cares.
If you honestly like Early Man, you are no worse person than if you hated them. It's bad that promo has so much power that one has to justify one's preferences in case they do not match the opinions of the oh-so-unaffected by the media (who in effect hang on the lips of the press, or else they would not believe everyhing that is written and said).
Occam's Razor said:
Well, the problem is not the music, it is the way it is marketed. Early Man is not metal, they have influences of it maybe.
I'm not into them musically and find it a bit bland really, but can see how someone could be and say as much in my article. I do not think it is a combination of Diamond Head, Kill 'em All-era Metallica (Master of Puppets seems to be the other choice) Judas Priest, Celtic Frost and all the other bands referenced in the bio and then dutifully listed in the reviews.