early mix of really cool metalcore/rock band


Jan 22, 2009
Hey guys, Just put this together quickly for my second ever client!

The one thing that hits me is the bass isn't really sitting with the guitars how I want - doesn't feel dense enough for me; has anyone got any ruuuude tips that will make them sit tighter than a nun?

Also, I think the guitars might be a little (when i say a little i mean fucking) over-gained even though I only had gain at 11 0'clock on the lead channel of my 6505 with a TS9 boosting with the drive at 0. Tempted to reamp on the rhythm channel with the little crunch button pushed in. Vocals need a lot of automation and I realised after bouncing that the gate for the vocal effects was bypassed...I'm really happy with the drums - triggered tones are sitting really far back. Drumdial worked a treat :) Also, brutally limited but I just didn't bypass as I was using the limiter during mixing. Should probably stop being lazy and just post again with the limiter bypassed and the gate on. I think we all know that's not going to happen though.

Any feedback would be hugely appreciated. I've only been at recording for a few months so don't expect black album quality!

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1041607/BLACK IRIS MASTER.mp3

Its just me cussing on my own mix. Like when that bass is out of tune - melodyne :headbang:
just opened the session and i must have done an option+click on the bass guitar buss as its at 0dB. I'm having a bad time with this one. Will repost again in a moment.
pretty good for your second client ever !

listen to my second ever client i had with cubase 1 10 years ago, harhar. ;-)

keep going man!

my advice would be : dont be too conservative with eq.
low cut your instruments way harder - lots of muddiness going on.

everything that is not bass / bass isntrument start at about
90 Hz. then cut even higher and see, how it affects the mix.

then try bringing vocals and guitars up - maybe with a limiter,
to make them sit more nicely in the mix.

hope that helps
hey dude, thanks a lot for listening, great tips too. That track is now finished. I spent a long time cleaning up the lows. It was mastered by my friend Sam Burden who's produced some really cool bands. The lows and mids sound really well controlled to my ears. Still doesn't have that bond between the guitars and bass but I'll work on that and get it sounding better with my next client.

Low quality mp3 - sorry:

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1041607/BLACK IRIS MASTER.mp3
Thanks, but please do elaborate - I want to improve my sound. This band are coming back to record in a few weeks and I want them to like it even more than this stuff!