Early reflection point height?!


Nov 27, 2009
Berlin, Germany
Should I place my panel absorbers(90cm high and 45cm wide) where my ears are, in the sitting position of course, or should I follow the "tweeter line"?
Problem is the monitors are slighty angled downwards and I would end up placing the panels very very low on the back wall(where my bed is:wave:)...

On a sidenote, I live in this place and can't go crazy with trapping and stuff.
Sound is a mechanical wave. If it hits solid object it follows law of reflection. Early reflections are those which bounce only once before reaching the ear. So a logic placement of absorber is at the spot from where the sound reflects directly to your ears. If you put mirror at that spot you should see your monitors in it (as light follows the same reflection law). That is also a good trick how to find the right spots - sit at your sitting position and ask someone to move a mirror along the wall. Everytime you see your monitors in the mirror that is the place from where early reflections will come.

Angle of your monitors can change from which directions will the early reflections will be stronger, but it shouldn't affect the spot from where the sound bounces. Anyway unless you're a mummy or a vampire (sleeping in wooden coffin or sarcophagus) your bed is absorptive enough, so placing absorbers behind it would not help that much.
You can do some experimentation too, play something (sine, purple noise, track) close one ear and with hand or something else try to find by blocking direction where is reflection is coming.
Haha, thanks...

I did the mirror thing and already marked the position but was unsure about the angled stuff.
Problem is I did it with my girl and it was rather a task(:guh:), so the height measures are maybe a little off and I would like to just measure where my ears are and put the panels on axact this height.

I wouldn't place the absorbers "behind" my bed but as low as possible. This would be worst case though. I would damage them, because yeah, it's my bed:Saint:
Yo, just to show my solution(if anybody strumbles across the thread):

I used hook and loop tape to mount the panels on the wall, my wall is crappy as hell and this way it is more versatile.


