early roll call for vegas metalfest

Looking forward to hearing Tharmusborne

and you'll be the first to hear us as soon as we get something online or on cd. the show was fucking amazing :OMG: . i agree that you and suffocation owned that night by far. it was great hanging with you guys. i'm going to get those pictures developed today. i'll put them up when i get them. the new stuff is fucking sick. picking up that cd is the first thing on my list. it was excellent seeing you guys and i'll be at any show of yours i can make it to. and by the way, bjorn, nathan, john, and andy. we talked for awhile and it totally slipped my mind to introduce myself. i'm wilson.

i'll be back with those pictures.
Sadistik: HEY JEFF :tickled:, it was really good to see ya there, some good old familiar faces are always a treat. Jeff, I have lots of pictures from the Vegas fest but only of Creamatorium, Cattle Decapitation, Vehemence and Suffocation. So if you want, let me know and I will hook ya up buddy! Talk to you soon, message me and let me know what's new k:) AIM: mutilatedpriest ok-

2 New Suffocation songs, one called Deceit, and I completely forgot the other one..Oh well, I will remember it. My review for this show will be up on Metal Judgment tomorrow evening...So check it out yo!

Cookies = always a special suprise. Last time I ate suprise cookies I ended up hallucinating, so I will stay far away from anything that is not nestle, oreo, etc. That also was in India, and everything makes you hallucinate there, so I cannot be positive!

hehehe :hotjump: