Ears Pierced


I need money...
Jul 17, 2004
Clearwater, Florida, USA
Hey everyone. I got my ears pierced yesterday and I really wanna stretch them to like a 10 or 8 gauge ring. I'm obviously gonna do it slowly, but how long do you guys think I should wait to try to put in the next size up? Thanks
get everything pierced, even your dick/vagina. it kicks ass. no, pierciings are nasty, when you're old you will be thinking "WTF DID I DO THAT FOR?>"
I have a friend who stretched her ear a little bit. You can hardly notice it because of the type of ring she wears... but I still think that looks pretty nasty...:erk:
I'm not gonna stretch it gigantically huge cuz one, it looks gross when you take it out, and two, I'll regret it when I'm older. I just wanna stretch it a little pequeno bit. Yup I'm a masshole lol.
gyah, don't do that, that's gross! unless you want to swing clubs around while they're attached to your ears, however, like that guy in the Needled 24/7 vid. but i still say don't do it; i mean if you know you're gonna regret stretching em out even just a bit when you're older, why bother stretching em out at all?
I stretched my ear when I was in the 10th grade, so that would be about 6 years ago. I love them. I have a lot of different plugs for my ears and I think a stretched ear looks really nice. I wear a 00ga now. I will never go bigger, i like mine how it is. I think that when gaging your ear, you shoud take your time to prevent scaring. It took me a little more than a year to get to a 00ga. Start only when your ears are totally healed. I started by putting 2, 18ga earings in one ear, then slowley putting 3 then 4... then you can buy a 12 or 10 ga plug or ring. Then move up from there.

As long as you dont stretch past about 10mm, the stretch will close back up when you take it out in like a month.....I have 7mm claw in one ear an its my baby :) but then i have like loads of other piercings that are all my babys :D