Earth Crisis "breed the killers" guitar tone

the todd

New Metal Member
Jan 27, 2003
Lancaster County, PA
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hello. was wondering if you could give me info on how the guitars were recorded on the Earth Crisis "breed the killers" album. Erick eXc told me they used a 5150 (i bought that amp from them), but the amp sounds nothing like the tone im hearing on there. Any details about amps, mics, anything would be appreciated. thanks!!
well, thats pretty much the set up you have there...I don't know what to suggest...sorry. In what way does it differ?? It's never going to sound exactly the same
so you just used 57's to record the guitars?? we recorded our demo last week, and used that setup, and the tone on tape sucks. i used my mesa cab and also a marshall 1960 4x12 with a 57 on each cab (mic was positioned in the center of the cone area), and a condenser mike 2 feet away to pick up room sound. wondering if i should have double or triple tracked that sound... i did do an additional track with a Line 6 POD into a Mesa 2:90, and out to the same cabs..and that track sounds a shitload better than the 5150. if it matter, we recorded using a Cubase system.

would you have any mix recomendations to make the guitars sound bigger and fatter??

thanks for taking the time to answer my silly questions.
Well, the Marshall 1960 won't of helped and the room mic, definate no no. Without being there it's impossible to say, in what way does it suck, let me know the settings on the 5150.
the tone has no balls to it. sounds all trebly. amp settings are pre gain 2: 6
bass: 7
mid: 0
treble: 5.5
post gain 2: 5
resonance: 7
presence: 7.5

its weird, in the room, the amp sounded amazing. had a ton of low end, and had the right amount of cut to it. once it was recorded, it sounds lifeless, and has no low end to it at all. did you do anything special in the mix with the guitars, with EQ or effects??
your in the right area, I'd maybe have a bit more of the mids in there, I'm presuming your on the lead channel there. You're probably over complicating things, especially using the 1960 cab, that's going to phase things up quite nicely (in a bad way). Try 1 Sm57 (not beta) at the centre of cone, an inch away from the grill cloth. Try this on each speaker, then compare, find your favourite speaker, then move it about an inch -if that, off centre to try and get rid of that high 10k fizz, maybe filter 60hz down and 12 k upwards out. If it's sounds great in the room, it has to be something your doing later. Nothing drastic was done to the EC gtrs in the mix. I think we used the rhythm channel though, with Tube Screamer, though that doesnt sound like the problem, as I use the lead channel also some times.