Parkway Drive - Killing With A Smile guitar tone


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Man I do love this album ! It sounds fuckin great, especially the guitars. The tone is crushing : tons of mids and low end (this is possible because the drums do not have that much lows to my ears).
Vocals sound amazing too, this album has mojo !! :headbang:
I've had this album since 2006 when we played a live show with Parkway Drive, and I can't stop listening to it.

I heard somewhere the guitar tone is a mix between a Framus Cobra and a 5150, not sure though. Any info on the recording chain/mics/amps used ? I'm really curious about it.
I don't know anything about those sessions, but I saw Parkway Drive a few weeks ago, and although I don't really like them, I was very impressed at how incredibly similar their live tone sounded to the tone on "Killing With A Smile"...definitely the most similar live tone to album tone I have ever heard. I believe they were using 5150 IIs or perhaps even 6505s...I can't remember actually, but the tone was extremely freaking impressively crunchy.
What's amazing is that this guitar sound has tons of low mids but amazing crunchy high mids too. Maybe Adam D did something special with the EQ to get that special crunch.
I'd love to know which settings were used.
To get the bassdrum sound from "killing with a smile" :
Use Drumkit from hell superior 1. Use the sonor bassdrum. Use cubase sx3. Use the multiband with the bassdrum preset. THATS IT.
It sounds so close to that!!!!
What's amazing is that this guitar sound has tons of low mids but amazing crunchy high mids too. Maybe Adam D did something special with the EQ to get that special crunch.

I never heard of the band so I listened to this "Smoke 'Em If Ya Got 'Em" song on youtube and I can tell you how they got the crunchy low mids: Its called a bass guitar. If they would mute the bass, the guitars by themselves would actually sound pretty thin.

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They actually made this one super easy... I just fired up bx_solo, clicked on the "S solo" button and all I got left was just guitars and some random cymbals :) Try that one yourself for the whole song, here is a small clip for ya:

edit: I tested this on the smoke em if ya got em, and got pretty much the same result. They actually have 3 different guitar tones on that song.
I never heard of the band so I listened to this "Smoke 'Em If Ya Got 'Em" song on youtube and I can tell you how they got the crunchy low mids: Its called a bass guitar. If they would mute the bass, the guitars by themselves would actually sound pretty thin.

Holy shit! That video is almost as terrible as the first riff, which is really fucking terrible.

To be fair, I only really watched the first 30 sec or so. I just couldn't take it.

Sorry for the worthless post.
Holy shit! That video is almost as terrible as the first riff, which is really fucking terrible.

To be fair, I only really watched the first 30 sec or so. I just couldn't take it.

Sorry for the worthless post.

Hahahaha, yeah, massive +1, he seems to alternate between typical metalcore nonsense and very bad impressions of the Clawfinger singer...
haha, love the song but hate the vid :D

man i wasn't expecting the guitar sound to be so thin.. if i had this sound on the monitors while recording i would think it's quite shitty.
Perhaps i should focus more on the bass guitar..
Thx ahjteam for the hint with the m/s thing.